BIG FAN OF BOSTON LEGAL 大家有看BOSTON LEGAL的吗,几好看的,个人认为就内容深度,广度来说,全面超越了FRIENDS, 下面是较早前写的个文章,类似BL的读后感:
又看Boston Legal,个人认为是最好的电视剧,在目前我一般短暂的有生之年看到的,老是 会热泪盈眶,因为人性的光辉,humanity and compassion,也会一个人在房间哈哈大笑, 因为其中的幽默,当然也有沉重的思考,对国家,对民主,对性,对友谊,对人性,对生 命,总而言之,对这个我们所生存在的社会,重重现象的黑暗与光明面,或者grey area, 灰色区域,就在这种种不同的价值观,values,在courtroom法庭上面的碰撞,扣人心 弦,发人深省。
今天看到这一集,当Alan帮Schmidt辩护Schmidt的父亲的安乐死时,我们亲爱的Al,情绪 几乎失控,他提到了Denny的老年痴呆,几乎难以自己。我不想再多强调Alan和Denny的 友谊,只是在看到season 4, 16集026分32秒时,下面这段话让我难以自抑: my best friend has old-senile(老年痴呆), in the very early stage that hasn’t… He is a grand lover of life, and will be for some time. I believe, even when his mind starts to really go, he’ll still fish and laugh and love. And as it progresses, he’ll still want to live. Coz it’s still be value for him, a friendship, a cigar. The truth is, I don’t think he will come to me, say “this is the day I want to die”. But the day is coming, and he won’t know it. (当Al哽咽地说到这里 时,一旁可爱的Schmidt已经低着头要哭了)This is perhaps, the most insidious(阴险) thing about old-senile(老年痴呆)。But you see, he trusts me to decide when that day has arrived; he trusts me to safeguard his dignity, legacy and self-respect; he trusts me to prevent his end from becoming a mindless piece of mush. And I will. It would be unbearably painful thing for me, but I will do it, because I love him, I’ll end the suffering. Because it’s the only decent, humane, and a loving thing a person can do.
发自于肺腑的爱,通过James Spader的表情,语言,语气,James Spader, Alan Shore 的扮演者,he’s really something, 我不得不说,每次的他的closing都触动到人心的最深 处,我被打动了,尽管有原先的无数次感动。Alan & Denny这对争女人抢案子的老少活 宝,和令人眼红的友谊,除了Alan Shore的出彩,其余的绿叶衬托得相得益彰,如我们的 秀逗色老头Denny Crane, Hands Jerry, Cross dresser- Clarence, Schmidt,和那些可爱的 神色各异的法官。人性的光辉,这部剧洋溢着这样美丽的人性,对当今时事的针砭时弊和 对当今美国政坛人物无伤大雅的玩笑或者嘲笑,对性的口无遮拦但又苦苦寻找真爱,对这 个千疮百孔丑陋的世界的玩世不恭但又时时对自己对社会的道德道义和人生哲学主题上的 沉重反思,小至人性善恶美丑,大到美国的历次战争到今天的伊战,时事政治国计民生, 来源于生活的包罗万象,一切的一切怎能让人不扼腕喜欢,不交口赞叹,不心叹神服,不 拍手叫好?!Bravo!!
这是一部经典的电视剧,制作严谨,大气,Blues(蓝调)的配乐到位应景,主题深而不 拘,有发人深省的自我思考和令人捧腹的笑话,我敢说,这是当世难得一见的迄今反映人 类人性文明的最好的一部电视剧。所有的所有,我只喊声:好!!!彩!!!Bravo!! 心怀感激,有机会看到这样一部电视剧,很好,很好~~
[ 本帖最后由 做爱做的事 于 2008-9-30 11:44 编辑 ] |