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      [财务/会计/出纳] Casual Bookkeeper Needed

      timo 发表于 8-7-2015 14:05:21
      2774 1


      Due to staff changes, now weare seeking an experienced bookkeeper to join our friendly team. One day per week Casualposition to start, if good performance, will increse the hours to 2-3 days per week. We arelocated in Unley. To be eligible, candidates will be required to :
      -have at least 2 yearsexperience, efficient and accurate, have eye for detail. Have ability toself-direct and work autonomously.
      -self learning and ability toresearch is essential.
      -be an expert on MYOB, Xero.Know how to use Quickbooks and Cashflow manager is a bonus.
      -excellent verbal &written English, ability to communicate with client and solve client's queriesindependently.
      -have your own motor vehicle(lots of work needed to be done onsite with clients).
      -have proper working visa,ABN & own laptop is essential.
      Job details are as follows:
      -data entry, invoicesprocessing.
      -process payroll includingsuper, entitlements, etc.
      -reconcile bank accounts,credit cards, bank loans, PAYG, super, GST, etc
      -prepare draft BAS Statements
      If you think you are thatperson, please send your resume to [email protected]

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      -Vili零食- 发表于 9-7-2015 20:16:19
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