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    amay2009 发表于 8-1-2010 14:30:51
    847 7


    本帖最后由 amay2009 于 2010-1-8 18:16 编辑


    Professional Practice N

    Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council 2005, National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse, ANMC, Dickson, ACT. Available from http://wwwanmc.org.au/professional_standards/index.php.

    Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council 2005, National Competency Standards for the Midwife, Dickson, ACT. Available from http://www.anmc.org.au/professional_standards/index.php.

    Crisp J & Taylor C 2009, Potter and Perry's Fundamentals of Nursing, 3rd edition, Elsevier, Sydney.

    Daly J, Speedy S & Jackson D 2006, Context of Nursing, 2nd Edition, Churchill Livingstone. Elsevier, Sydney.

    McIlwraith J and Madden B 2006, Health Care and The Law, 4th edition, Lawbook Co. Sydney.

    Scientific Basis of Clinical Practice 1

    Lee, G & Bishop, P 2006, Microbiology and infection control for health professionals, 3rd, Prentice Hall, Frenchs Forest, N.S.W..

    Lehne, R 2004, Pharmacology for nursing care, 5th, W B Saunders, Philadelphia.

    Porth, C 2009, Pathophysiology: concepts of altered health states, 8th, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia.

    Health of Adults

    Brown, D, Edwards, H, Lewis, S, Heitkemper, M & Dirksen, S 2008, Lewis's Medical-surgical Nursing, Elsevier Mosby, Sydney.

    Mcllwraith, J & Madden, B 2006, Health Care & the Law, 4th, Thomson Lawbook Co, NSW.

    Crisp, J & Taylor, C 2009, Potter and Perry's Fundamentals of Nursing, 3rd, Elsevier, Sydney.

    Elder, R, Evans, K & Nizette, D 2009, Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 2nd, Elsevier, Sydney.

    Health of Older Adults

    Brown, D, Edwards, H, Lewis, S, Heitkemper, M & Dirksen, S 2008, Lewis's Medical-surgical Nursing, Elsevier Mosby, Sydney.

    Courtney, M 2005, Evidence for Nursing Practice, Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, Sydney.

    Crisp, J & Taylor, C 2009, Potter and Perry's Fundamentals of Nursing, 3rd, Elsevier Mosby, Sydney.

    Elder, R, Evans, K & Nizette, D 2005, Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Elsevier Mosby, Sydney.

    McMurray, A 2007, Community Health and Wellness: a Socioecological Approach, 3rd, Elsevier Mosby, Sydney.

    Mcllwraith, J & Madden B 2006, Health Care & the Law, 4th Edition, Thomson Lawbook Co, NSW..

    Scientific Basis of Clinical Practice 2

    Lee, G & Bishop, P 2006, Microbiology and infection control for health professionals, 3rd, Prentice Hall, Frenchs Forest, N.S.W..

    Lehne, R 2004, Pharmacology for nursing care, 5th, W B Saunders, Philadelphia.

    Porth, C 2009, Pathophysiology: concepts of altered health states, 8th, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia

    Health of Infants, Children and Young People

    McIIwraith J & Madden B, 2006 2006, Health Care & the Law, 4th Edn, Thomson Lawbook Co.

    Hockenberry M, Wilson D, 2008 2008, Wong's, Essentials of Paediatrics, 8th, Mosby, St Louis.

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     楼主| amay2009 发表于 11-1-2010 13:34:27
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     楼主| amay2009 发表于 12-1-2010 14:33:39
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    jerrylee 发表于 12-1-2010 14:51:52
    我有你要的一本书 , 可以打电话给我 ,0411530040
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     楼主| amay2009 发表于 14-1-2010 15:14:46
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    鬼泣 发表于 26-1-2010 09:09:54
    Elder, R, Evans, K & Nizette, D 2005, Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Elsevier Mosby, Sydney.

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     楼主| amay2009 发表于 26-1-2010 20:17:42
    Elder, R, Evans, K & Nizette, D 2005, Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Elsevier Mosby, Sydney. ...
    鬼泣 发表于 2010-1-26 10:09


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    鬼泣 发表于 27-1-2010 13:35:16
    40刀 无折痕 无划痕 9.9成新

    amay2009 发表于 2010-1-26 21:17 [/quote]
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