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      [其他] Skill Select EOI 60分被选中的时代已经到来!!!!

      Leader 发表于 7-11-2012 22:49:54
      4904 7



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       楼主| Leader 发表于 7-11-2012 22:51:06
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       楼主| Leader 发表于 7-11-2012 22:51:28
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       楼主| Leader 发表于 7-11-2012 22:52:06
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       楼主| Leader 发表于 7-11-2012 22:52:42
      本帖最后由 Leader 于 2012-11-8 15:11 编辑


      SkillSelect Invitations to apply to migrate - Round 15 October 2012 Results
      The automated invitation round for SkillSelect on 15 October 2012 was successfully completed. The table below lists the number of invitations issued:

      Visa Subclass Number
      Skilled - Independent (subclass 189) 900
      Skilled - Regional Provisional (subclass 489) 100

      In total during 2012 the following invitations have been issued.

      Visa Subclass August September October November December Total
      Skilled - Independent (subclass 189) 90 900 1800  -  - 2790
      Skilled – Regional Provisional (subclass489) 10 100 200  -  - 310
      Total 100 1000 2000 - 3100

      Scheduled invitation rounds do not include the state and territory government nominated subclasses that result in invitations. State and territory governments nominate throughout the month for points tested skilled migration and business innovation and investment visas. Separate results for these visa subclasses are provided monthly.

      15 October 2012 Results
      The following graph shows the points claimed by clients who were invited to apply in the 15 October 2012 round.

      Invitation process and cut offs
      The highest ranked clients by points score are invited to apply for the relevant visa. For clients who have equal points scores, the time at which they reached their points score for that subclass (referred to as the visa date of effect) determines their order of invitation. EOIs with earlier dates of effect are invited before later dates.

      Visa Subclass Points Score Visa date of effect
      Skilled - Independent (subclass 189) 60 14/10/2012
      23.11 pm
      Skilled - Regional Provisional (subclass 489) 60 14/10/2012
      23.06 pm

      If you wish to compare your Expression of Interest (EOI) against the outcomes of the invitation round, you can check your points score and visa date of effect at any time for all visa subclasses covered by your EOI on the home page of your SkillSelect EOI.

      Occupational Ceilings
      Invitations are subject to yearly occupational ceilings. No occupation group has yet reached its occupational ceiling.

      Occupations invited in the 15 October 2012 round are listed in the table below. A year to date summary of occupation groups is updated monthly on the SkillSelect reports tab.

      Occupation Group Description Invitations
      2211 Accountants 217
      2613 Software and Applications Programmers 190
      2611 ICT Business and Systems Analysts 146
      2544 Registered Nurses 62
      2334 Electronics Engineers 35
      2531 Generalist Medical Practitioners 33
      2335 Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers 31
      2332 Civil Engineering Professionals 27
      2633 Telecommunications Engineering Professionals 27
      2539 Other Medical Practitioners 22
      2333 Electrical Engineers 21
      2339 Other Engineering Professionals 20
      2414 Secondary School Teachers 18
      2321 Architects and Landscape Architects 17
      2631 Computer Network Professionals 15
      2523 Dental Practitioners 10
      2212 Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers 10
      2331 Chemical and Materials Engineers 10
      2515 Pharmacists 9
      2713 Solicitors 7
      3212 Motor Mechanics 5
      2411 Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers 5
      3411 Electricians 4
      2524 Occupational Therapists 4
      1332 Engineering Managers 4
      2725 Social Workers 4
      2723 Psychologists 3
      2336 Mining Engineers 3
      2513 Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals 3
      2512 Medical Imaging Professionals 3
      1331 Construction Managers 3
      2322 Cartographers and Surveyors 3
      2532 Anaesthetists 2
      3312 Carpenters and Joiners 2
      2346 Medical Laboratory Scientists 2
      3341 Plumbers 2
      2349 Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals 2
      2326 Urban and Regional Planners 2
      3223 Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers 2
      2347 Veterinarians 1
      2415 Special Education Teachers 1
      2527 Speech Professionals and Audiologists 1
      2525 Physiotherapists 1
      2534 Psychiatrists 1
      3232 Metal Fitters and Machinists 1
      1342 Health and Welfare Services Managers 1
      3423 Electronics Trades Workers 1
      2245 Land Economists and Valuers 1
      2312 Marine Transport Professionals 1
      2241 Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians 1
      2341 Agricultural and Forestry Scientists 1
      3421 Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics 1
      3231 Aircraft Maintenance Engineers 1
      4112 Dental Hygienists, Technicians and Therapists 1

      State/Territory Nominations September 2012
      Nominations by State and Territory Governments – September 2012

      The number of intending migrants who received nominations from State and Territory Governments during September 2012 is shown in the following table

      Visa Subclass ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA Total
      Skilled - Nominated (subclass 190) visa 46 29 6 7 19 4 63 329 503
      Skilled – Regional Provisional (subclass 489) visa 0 2 7 1 3 2 1 57 73
      Business Innovation and Investment (subclass 188) visa 0 0 0 0 0 1 46 2 49
      Business Talent (Permanent) (subclass 132) visa 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 4 10
      Total 46 31 13 8 23 8 114 392 635
      Last updated: 02 Nov 2012
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      使用道具 举报

      dabing 发表于 7-11-2012 23:09:11
      没啥好看的 eoi都没完全开放呢 等明年强制eoi大家都去选了 你敢说60还这么轻松?
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      使用道具 举报

      360Cisitalia 发表于 8-11-2012 06:34:00 来自手机
      dabing 发表于 2012-11-7 23:09
      没啥好看的 eoi都没完全开放呢 等明年强制eoi大家都去选了 你敢说60还这么轻松?

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       楼主| Leader 发表于 8-11-2012 15:37:44
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