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    [离婚&财产纠纷] 【安和律师事务所】分居相关法律咨询及相关技术性问题

    HOLawyers 发表于 15-3-2024 19:43:34
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    分居 - 一个通俗易懂的指南; 法律定义及相关技术性问题










    根据"同居分居"的技术性规定,即使双方仍然共处同一生活空间,在法律上仍将被视为彼此分居。这一规定并未对双方在同一场所居住的期限做出限制 - 即使超过了12个月的离婚申请期限,仍然适用。这些考量使分居夫妻可以继续居住在共同的房产中,而无需立即另觅住处。对于有赡养孩子或老人的家庭来说,这种方式也更便于照应。



    • 新的睡眠安排
    • 双方共同的家庭时间减少
    • 减少为对方做家务
    • 财务状况明确划分
    • 告知家人双方已分居
    • 通知相关政府机构双方已分居(例如:如果有上学孩子,需通知儿童抚养机构)





    如果您对家庭法有任何疑问,请随时与我们联系。 您可以发送电子邮件至 [email protected] 或致电 (08) 8410 9069 安排预约/在线面试。
    H & O Lawyers 不会对您根据本文采取的任何行动承担法律责任。
    Adelaide office
    Tf3/30 Field Street Adelaide SA 5000
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    Level 9/25 Bligh Street, Sydney 2000

    Friday Article: Separation – A layman’s guide to understanding the legal definition and its technicalities

    Separation is by no means an easy process. Oftentimes, separation is the last option, a process taken for both parties that gives them time before a divorce is finalised. In most cases, the separating parties do not understand what separation is in the eyes of the law. The result is that some encounter difficulties as they apply to divorce and end the marriage. If you are considering separation, it is strongly advised that you be informed about its legal definition and some common technicalities.

    Defining Separation

    Under Australian Law, couples are required to be separated for at least 12 months to proceed with a divorce. As such, the period of separation serves as a transitory period between marriage and divorce proceedings.

    Given the time requirements for the period of separation before divorce, it is not uncommon for disputations to arise concerning when both parties separated, thereby whether they had observed the mandated period of separation before divorce. This is further complicated if no clearly defined separation had happened between both parties. Hence, understanding the legal definition of separation along with its technicalities is essential for separating parties.

    There is no formal process of separation, unlike divorce, under Australian Law. What is required is for both parties in a marriage, or a de-facto relationship, to live apart from one another. In the context of divorce, it usually requires 12 months of both parties living apart who have deemed their relationship unsalvageable.

    It is not uncommon for one party to not agree to separate. However, provisions under Australian Law do not require both parties to agree to separate, only that there is at least one party looking to separate and said party has informed the other party that they will be separating, and that the relationship has ended. Commencement of separation will be taken as the day the intention to separate was made known to the other party.

    Another common circumstance is for separating parties to be living within the same property during the period of separation. In such cases, granting the separating parties an eligibility for divorce, would go against the common understanding of having both parties live apart from one another. For divorce proceedings to be considered, the “Separation under one roof” technicality has to be applied.

    Separation Under One Roof

    Under the separation under one roof technicality, both parties are taken to be living apart from one another while still maintaining their presence in the same living space. This technicality does not place limitations on the duration for which both parties can live in the same premises – it applies even to time periods beyond the 12 months required for divorce proceedings to commence. These considerations allow separating couples to live in their shared property, without one or both parties having to find alternate living spaces immediately. It is also conducive for those who have dependencies such as children or elderly, to look after them.

    However, to proceed with an application for divorce, an affidavit has to be taken before the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCOA). The affidavit – a written compiled document used for legal purposes – in the case of separation under one roof generally requires the following:

    • New sleeping arrangements
    • Reduced shared family time involving both parties
    • Reduction in doing household duties for the other party
    • Clear delineation of finances
    • Informing family members that separation has taken place between both parties
    • Notifying governmental agencies of the separation (Eg: Child Support Agency for parents of school-going children)

    In addition to the statements provided in the affidavit, the reason(s) for continuing to live in the same household has to be made known to the FCFCOA. It is the court’s assessment of the separating parties’ situation that will help them judge if the Separation Under One Roof technicality should be admitted for the mandatory 12-month period to be fulfilled.

    The period of separation is often unpleasant to many people, and many couples who are considering separation or are separating are often not well-versed in the laws concerning separation. At H&O Lawyers, we believe that seeking the help of legal professionals goes a long way to making the separation process smoother for all parties. As a law firm that has competencies in advocating for both English-speaking and Mandarin-speaking clients, we are able to provide you with legal advice and ensure that you receive fair representation.

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