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      楼主: Stonefun123
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      Haot 发表于 12-3-2017 20:26:54
      jian11 发表于 12-3-2017 07:31
      At Least,
      1. You had better put on quotation mark, since you are a poor coppycat.
      2. you don't  ...

      nobody can judge me but only God.....
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      jian11 发表于 13-3-2017 06:34:04
      Haot 发表于 12-3-2017 20:26
      nobody can judge me but only God.....

      Apparently your god doesn't help you!
      "You should not gloat over your brother in the days of misfortunes, nor rejoice over the people...." (Consult the Scripture and look at yourself for stirring up the issues  so called "black shops"...)
      "you should not march through the gates of my people in the days of their disasters..."(consult the details in the Sripture and look at yourself for stirring up the troubles of so called "black shops"..., even "dozen" years ago.)
      "May all those who gloat over my distress put to shame and confusion..."  That's why you are "confused" and talking about the irrelevant 'god' in this irrelevant post.

      Kind suggestion:  If you want to talk about 'god', open a new post, I join you.  Do not talk about it here, as it is an irrerelavant subject, or you shame yourself.

      Do you agree?
      What do you think?
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      阿月月 发表于 14-3-2017 13:20:24
      本帖最后由 阿月月 于 14-3-2017 13:26 编辑

      想了解在澳洲工作保护自己权利的法律相关信息,请参考 Fair Work Ombudsman 官方网站信息。
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      gongyu2011 发表于 16-3-2017 17:50:58
      本人从凯文夫妇的店铺开张一年就在里面打工了两年多,后来毕业了找到相关工作离开了他们店。 至今我们还是非常要好的朋友。看到各种大号小号在网上说一些不符合事实的话语,导致了舆论一边倒。真的很替凯文夫妇委屈。
      如果他们真的那么剥削,那么不讲情义, 澳洲这种异国他乡, 没有雇佣关系了,大家也不会联系彼此了 , 更不会做好朋友。 如果真的是污蔑帖子里讲的,他们非常小气,上海人市井,他们也不会毫不犹豫在我困难的时候借给我这个员工1万澳币办理签证。 如果他们真的是只许诺, 不兑现, 一家店里20个员工也不可能都是傻瓜,喜欢跑离city20多公里以外的地方去上班。你们永远是我心中的红心老板夫妇,我永远的好朋友。
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      dajiangyou 发表于 19-3-2017 18:18:10
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      kimi9 发表于 31-3-2017 05:11:19 来自手机
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