Apparently your god doesn't help you!
"You should not gloat over your brother in the days of misfortunes, nor rejoice over the people...." (Consult the Scripture and look at yourself for stirring up the issues so called "black shops"...)
"you should not march through the gates of my people in the days of their disasters..."(consult the details in the Sripture and look at yourself for stirring up the troubles of so called "black shops"..., even "dozen" years ago.)
"May all those who gloat over my distress put to shame and confusion..." That's why you are "confused" and talking about the irrelevant 'god' in this irrelevant post.
Kind suggestion: If you want to talk about 'god', open a new post, I join you. Do not talk about it here, as it is an irrerelavant subject, or you shame yourself.
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