During 2007, USANA faced repeated controversy as several of its executives were discovered to have made false statements regarding their qualifications.[11] These included Denis Waitley, a member of the board of directors,[12] Ladd McNamara, who quit the company's medical advisory board after it was discovered his license to practice medicine had been revoked,[13][14][15] the Vice President of Research and Development, Timothy Wood, who was found to have doctorate in forestry, as opposed to biology as he had claimed,[16] and the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Gilbert Fuller, who had continued to use the title of CPA,[17] though his license had lapsed.[16][18] - 这个是说它们公司高层伪造假的Qualification的
这一段是说该企业要求它的associate或会员每四周消费110-130美元的产品(在澳洲是AUD $225的产品)
接下来文章继续说87%的会员是入不敷出的 即是买药品的钱还没赚的多
只有2.31%的人赚得到钱 (可以想象 是金字塔尖的一部分人 即是高层或者是上线的上线)
USANA requires that associates must purchase a minimum of 100 volume of products (equivalent to approximately $110–$130) every four weeks in order to remain eligible to receive compensation. If this minimum requirement is not maintained, the distributor will lose the points that have accumulated but not yet been paid on.[22] According to documentation from USANA corporate 87% of associates fail to make enough off of commissions to recover the cost of their qualifying purchases with 67% of all associates making no commission. 72.2% of all companies commissions are earned by the top 2.31% of associates.[23]
以上转帖自豆瓣Black Planet |