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      楼主: arduck
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      [结伴搭车] 找排球手

       楼主| arduck 发表于 4-2-2011 14:30:32
      回复 10# minlei

          I have replied...looking forward for a new season....yeah!!!!!
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      ice~芊芊 发表于 5-2-2011 20:57:55
      啥时候有活动啊~ 想玩排球的飘过~~
      听说city里面也有沙排~ 啥时候去玩一次呗~
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       楼主| arduck 发表于 6-2-2011 09:05:21
      回复 12# ice~芊芊

      Hiya, the city beach volleyball is at frome road. The compettion is run by VSA hint you cant really just go in and play a game...I dont think as the court is not for private hire.

      Anyway, i think we have massive responds from fellow vball lovers that enable us to form a few teams, including 1 possibly at city beach. Let me know if you wish to commit for a season and send me an email and shall talk more

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       楼主| arduck 发表于 7-2-2011 19:31:43
      Hiya all,

      for more information, you could visit the official website

      Good luck
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      hly72003 发表于 8-2-2011 08:32:19
      The competition usually run for 10-12 weeks for every Monday except public holiday, means if you girls would need to commit for the whole time would be wonderful.
      Every match fee is $45/game... that is $7.50 each player. Match would go for 60mins. Time slot would be in random from 1830 to 1930;or 1930 to 2030; or 2030 to 2130.
      The venue is at Therbaton senior college... just 4km west of adelaide city, nearby Brick works, or just off Henley beach road.
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      hly72003 发表于 8-2-2011 08:45:56
      另外我在Henley Beach那有看到沙排的场地,似乎是免费的,有空邀上几个朋友就可以一起玩了。
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      andrewkingfzy 发表于 8-2-2011 08:55:49
      回复 16# hly72003
      非常同意楼上的,有空叫上我吧,周末可以。[email protected].打得不好,但是喜欢玩。
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       楼主| arduck 发表于 8-2-2011 16:18:50
      Well indeed.
      The uni-whether is UniSA or Adelaide U or Flinders does have their own volleyball club and yes they do have coaching and run competition at different league level. And every year there is a Uni game held in Canberra for all type of sports including volleyball. I was among the UniSA team date back 1998 but didnt win enough game to qualify for the Uni game.
      The competition I introduced is mainly social competition...ie for those people wish to play volleyball with no age limit. The competition run by the Volleyball SA...hint charges applied. Just like other sports like basketball, indoor soccer, squash, ten-pin bowling etc.
      I, as an adult, does not have the luxurary of joining the uni team again.
      Good luck for all and now we all know we have lots of option and venues for volleyball.
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      starlanguage 发表于 21-2-2011 04:30:31
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