本帖最后由 2JZ 于 24-2-2015 04:52 PM 编辑
ICAA, Auditing and assurance and ethics handbook,2014, John Wiley & Sons, Milton, Qld, Australia Arens,A A, Best, P J, Shailer, G E P, Fiedler, B A, Elder, R & Beasley, M 2013, Auditing, assurance services andethics in Australia - an integrated approach,9th edn, Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest, NSW 两本$145
Deegan, M 2014, Financial Accounting Theory, 4th edn, McGraw Hill, North Ryde, Australia $ 90
Graw, S 2012, An Introduction to the Law of Contract, 7thedn, Law Book Co, Pyrmont, NSW $60 Lipton, understandingcompany law, 15th edn $30
Woellner RH, Barkoczy, S, Murphy, S, Evans, C & Pinto, D2014, Australian Taxation Law, 25th edn, CCH Australia,Sydney Barkoczy S 2014, Core Tax Legislation, 18thedn, CCH Australia, Sydney 两本$150
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