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    [CITY近郊] 【急转租价钱可商量】东南富人区绝佳语言环境长租短租都可

    cassie77 发表于 11-10-2014 01:33:47
    2142 2


    本帖最后由 cassie77 于 2014-10-24 04:48 编辑


    自我来到澳洲就一直住这里,环境真的很好,公寓里都是外国学生,良好语言环境,每周日晚还有大家一起的聚餐活动(凭自愿),可以尝到来自世界各地小伙伴们做得各种菜肴~ 但是由于我想搬去city里和朋友一起住,所以想把房间转租出去,我有各种锅碗瓢盆可以留下给你使用,有意者请联系我吧~
    About bedroom:
    1. Rooms are fully furnished with bed and mattress, wardrobe, computer compatible study desk, chest of drawers, mirror, chair, study lamp and fridge. Students are provided with crockery and cutlery.
    2. All bedding is supplied (pillow, blankets and linen ). Bed linen is laundered by a weekly service (cost inclusive).
    3. All rooms are fully carpeted and have reverse cycle air conditioning (cooling for summer and heating for winter). Gas, electricity and water are all inclusive in price.
    4. Vacuum cleaners are provided on each floor for students to clean their personal room.5. Security locks are on all doors and external doors are all fitted with security doors. There is an on-site manager ensuring utmost safety and security for everyone. The building is fully fitted with smoke detectors and a fire sprinkler system - the building is NON smoking.

    About bathroom:
    Separate men's / women's bathrooms and toilets are available on each level, and like the kitchens, they are cleaned every morning. Toilet paper and paper hand towels are provided in bathrooms.

    About internet:
    Wireless internet / phone access is available at competitive prices.

    About other facilitates:
    1.2 kitchens fully furnished with refrigerators, freezers, microwave ovens and hot plates.
    2. 2 laundries equipped with coin-operated washing machines, dryers, irons and ironing boards.

    About location:
    2 Highgate St, Fullarton

    Close to public transport. Easy access to Adelaide Uni, Uni SA, CALUSA, SAIBT, Carnegie Mellon Uni and Tafe. The student residence is just 15 minutes distance by bus from The University of South Australia and The University of Adelaide.

    Gosse_Bedroom.gif (30.28 KB, 下载次数: 43)


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     楼主| cassie77 发表于 12-10-2014 06:06:13
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    使用道具 举报

     楼主| cassie77 发表于 24-10-2014 04:47:34
    好房子不容错过呀 房价可商量,短租长租都可
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