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      [灌水] 南澳政府计划。将限制年轻的p1司机在凌晨时段开车

      小子弹小粉熊 发表于 25-7-2013 09:09:10
      727 6


      Early hours curfew plan for young South Australian drivers
      South Australia is planning to keep young drivers off the roads in the early hours.
      Road Safety Minister Michael O'Brien has introduced a bill to Parliament proposing changes to the state's graduated licensing scheme.
      He hoped lives could be saved by reducing the risks faced by young drivers.
      "Key initiatives of the bill include passenger and night-time driving restrictions for P1 drivers which will allow no more than one passenger aged 16 to 20 years," he said.
      Mr O'Brien said there would be an exemption for immediate family members.
      He said the Government was keen to keep young drivers off the roads between midnight and 5:00am.
      The Government said the provisions of its planned changes would make allowances for employment, family and sporting commitments.
      P1 drivers will be exempt from passenger restrictions if they are required to carry multiple peer passengers during the course of their employment.
      They will be exempt from night-time driving restrictions if they need to drive for employment, formal volunteer work, education, training or sporting purposes.
      Mr O'Brien said young drivers on the roads in the early hours would need to carry a letter from their employer, volunteer organisation, educational institution or sports association, or some other evidence they could show if stopped by police.
      Under the planned changes, passenger and night-time driving restrictions also will not apply if a P1 driver is over 25.

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