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      砂锅米线 发表于 19-5-2013 12:35:27
      3553 10


      本帖最后由 砂锅米线 于 2013-5-20 11:13 编辑


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      风语者2003 发表于 19-5-2013 17:33:19
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      Pyree 发表于 19-5-2013 17:53:39
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       楼主| 砂锅米线 发表于 19-5-2013 20:48:36
      Pyree 发表于 2013-5-19 18:23
      Buy this one:

      http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/SPARKLE-GEFORCE-GTS450-2GB-2048MB-PCI-E-D3-VGA-HDMI-DVI- ...


      处理器        英特尔 酷睿2 四核 Q9400 @ 2.66GHz
      主板        技嘉 EP45-DS3 (英特尔 4 Series 芯片组 - ICH10)
      显卡        Nvidia GeForce 210 ( 1 GB / 华硕 )

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      Pyree 发表于 19-5-2013 21:36:08
      Your GeForce 210 will not be able to play any recent games. The CPU is alright. Should be able to pair it up with a 7850/7790 OC or similar without CPU bottleneck unless you play a game that is CPU heavy. For $50, you won't get a 7850/7790 OC of course. The GTS 450 on ebay is the best I can find for $50. That card should be able to handle newest games in low to medium setting. When I say newest games, I mean games like Crysis 3. Now you just have to make sure your PSU can power the GTS 450.
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       楼主| 砂锅米线 发表于 19-5-2013 22:16:09
      本帖最后由 砂锅米线 于 2013-5-19 22:50 编辑
      Pyree 发表于 2013-5-19 22:06
      Your GeForce 210 will not be able to play any recent games. The CPU is alright. Should be able to pa ...

      Thank you for your advice. The PSU I bought half year ago is 550W. It was brand new however other parts were all second-hand. The mainboard doesn't have integrated graphics chip so I bought the GF 210 from the same seller. It is obvious that it cannot support some big games. Now I really want to play games on this desktop rather than my alienware 14x so I am considering to update my graphic card. What do you think is the best graphic card that my CPU can support if I could afford it?
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      Pyree 发表于 19-5-2013 22:48:10

      If you get a card faster, I think your CPU won't keep up. Also, I based my recommendation on 1080p gameplay. If your screen is lower resolution, then you have to go even lower on the GPU to avoid CPU bottleneck.
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       楼主| 砂锅米线 发表于 19-5-2013 23:01:23
      Pyree 发表于 2013-5-19 23:18

      If you get a card faster, I think your CPU won't keep up. Also, I based my recommendati ...

      I have a 24' full HD screen. It would be a pity if I don't play games on it..........
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       楼主| 砂锅米线 发表于 19-5-2013 23:22:03
      Pyree 发表于 2013-5-19 23:18

      If you get a card faster, I think your CPU won't keep up. Also, I based my recommendati ...

      How about 2G GT630 or 640? Here is a price list from MSY

      2G GT630 MSI /Gigabyte/ Asus// 58/63/69
           GT640 MSI/ Gigabyte /Asus //89/87/95

      I think second-hand would be cheaper.......I am sure I will change my mainboard and cpu one day and I will buy a high-end graphic card but for now I just need a normal and cheap one to play some old games such as Civilization 5 and Total War。。。。
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      Pyree 发表于 20-5-2013 18:43:16
      本帖最后由 Pyree 于 2013-5-20 18:24 编辑

      The GT 630 and GT 640 are both slower than the GTS 450. Unless you get the GDDR5 verson of the GT 640. That will be on par with the GTS 450.
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