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      actraining 发表于 20-2-2011 16:57:30
      2450 16


      本帖最后由 actraining 于 2011-3-14 20:58 编辑

      Nicole 老师长达20年丰富的国内外会计工作经历和8年多澳洲财务经理管理经验



      Nicole Accounting Training Class

      Would you like to get an accounting job offer sooner?
      Nicole can help you accumulate 1-3 years experience!! !


      如果你快毕业或者刚毕业的没有经验的会计毕业生或 有一些会计经验但是想要往更加专业的方向发展的 you need this training!!

      师资水平: Nicole 老师长达20年丰富的国内外会计工作经历和8年多澳洲财务经理管理经验
      课程优势: 培训班已运行3年之多,覆盖面最广、授课时间最长、知识更新最快、可操作性最强
      培训内容: 我们提供5个session完整,系统,充实的教学内容,课程设置如下:

      -Accounts Payable and Purchase Processing and Inventory and company accounts set up
      -Accounts Receivable and Sales Processing and Bank reconciliations
      -Payroll, Superannuation, PAYG withholding tax, and advanced payroll
      -Company GST, BAS&IAS processing & payroll tax Processing&Financial reporting analyze
      -Resume skill and Interview preparation

      培训后择业范围: 学生可申请工作经验1-3年的会计职位,如Accounts Payable officer/Accounts receivable  officer/collection officer/ credit control officer/Payroll Officer/Accounts all rounder/ Accounts clerk/ Accounts administrator/Bookkeeper /Assistant Accountant/Accountant/Management Accountant

      授课时间和价格:5个session+Excel training, 两人以上同时报名可享受优惠。 性价比极高,5个session。每个session 4-5小时由Nicole 耐心细致,不间断的讲解和学生手把手的操作.你可以完成第一节课后满意付全款,否则只需付第一节课费用

      提供免费试听旁听: 很多学生咨询:社会上培训班太多,他们确实不知道哪个班好,提出能不能试听?我会计培训班现在提供试听制度,让所有学生试听一个小时之后才选择我的课堂,这样他们有机会来做他们的决定。 自从推行以来,很受学生的欢迎。确实只要你敢来试听,我相信我能力留住每个来敢来试听的学生。 YOU KNOW WHY? 由于近三年的教学,还没有任何一个学生走出我的课堂。不信,你可亲自试试

      授课人数: 5人左右小班中英文授课.小班中英文授课是我们培训班最大的特色,通过小班中英文授课,可以让老师有精力对学员一对一零距离辅导,针对性极强,容易发现学员中存在的问题,及时分析和解决,保证教学质量。更多详细内容请查看:http://www.ozchinese.com/bbs/thread-140367-1-1.html



      Nicole Accounting Training

      [email protected]

      0425 208 098(Nicole)

      BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

      免责声明: 本网站所提供的信息,只供参考之用。本网站不保证信息的准确性、有效性、及时性和完整性。本网站及其雇员一概毋须以任何方式就任何信息传递或传送的失误、不准确或错误,对用户或任何其他人士负任何直接或间接责任。在法律允许的范围内,本网站在此声明,不承担用户或任何人士就使用或未能使用本网站所提供的信息或任何链接所引致的任何直接、间接、附带、从属、特殊、惩罚性或惩戒性的损害赔偿。

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      gangku 发表于 22-2-2011 18:58:10
      Nicole is not only your teacher but also your friend. She will also help with your resume and interview.
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      albeemax 发表于 22-2-2011 18:59:29
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      huangduanwei 发表于 23-2-2011 13:23:08
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      nicole1997 发表于 24-2-2011 14:31:21
      huangduanwei 发表于 2011-2-23 13:23

      很高兴看到越来越多的上过别的培训班的学生重新参加NICOLE会计实战全能的免费试听,然后毫不犹豫选择停留我班上重新学习, 象lucy和 Sharan参加过sydney两个会计培训班,一直很难找到工作,然后无意中看到我有些培训内容是其他培训班从没有设计到的内容, 所以重新选择参加NICOLE的免费试听,同时他们看到在座的其他同学的笔记 ,才知道自己在别的培训班学到的知识是如此的少,他们很痛惜原先自己的错误选择,因为在别的培训班浪费了金钱和时间.同样的Terrence在花钱在一个accounting Firm实习了三个月也没学到什么东西, 然后重新选择我会计实战全能的免费试听, 然后毫不迟疑留下听完我所有的培训.Lele已经在中国做过两年的会计工作,然后通过朋友(我以前的学生并以找到会计工作, 同时工作近一年了)介绍来到我课堂,当她看到如此多参加其他培训班的学生的重新毫不犹豫选择NICOLE会计实战全能重新学习, 她很庆幸因为自己有朋友介绍, 所以没走他们那样的弯路-因为在别的培训班浪费了金钱和时间.

      是的, 有比较才会珍惜.很高兴看到所有的同学很认真的学习和讨论, 希望我看到学生认真的学习和讨论的气氛.

      非常欢迎没报名的同学参加免费试听, 不要象上面的学生一样在别的培训班浪费了金钱和时间之后,才觉得NICOLE会计实战全能班很好, 很痛惜原先自己的错误选择, 然后才来到NICOLE班上重新学习.希望你们不要重蹈覆辙,勇敢参加免费试听,然后作出你的明智选择.广告打的响,是不是授课内容也很响, 只有你真正比较了才知道.

      Nicole到现在还是敢说:只要你来试听, NICOLE的讲课的内容和讲课的深度和讲课技巧会把你们留下.因为至今为止: 还没看到任何学生走出我的课堂. 不信, 你可亲自试试.



      -Accounts Payable and Purchase Processing and Inventory

      -Accounts Receivable and Sales Processing and Bank reconciliations

      -Payroll, Superannuation, PAYG withholding tax, and payroll tax Processing

      -Company GST, BAS and IAS processing and Financial reporting

      -Resume skill and Interview preparation




      小型-中型规模公司的 (起薪在$35,000以上)

      *Accounts Payable officer
      *Accounts receivable  officer / collection officer/ credit control officer
      *Payroll Officer
      *Accounts all rounder/ Accounts clerk/ Accounts administrator
      *Bookkeeper /Assistant Accountant


      5个session+Excel training 只需 $850.两人以上同时报名可享受优惠 。从八月起, 我培训班推出免费旁听一小时, 让学生有机会, 有比较. 然后作出自己明智的决定.此会计初级实战班不同于社会上的会计初级实战班只解释怎么做-会计初级实战班的讲课不同点不但让学生知道怎么做,同时让他们知道为什么做.

      免费参加会计实战 Excel班.
      性价比极高,5个session。每个session 4-5小时由Nicole 耐心细致,不间断的讲解. 讲课内容和时间比较灵活。你可以完成第一节课后满意付全款,否则只需付第一节课费用

      授课人数: 5-10人小班中英文授课









      此培训班的讲解是公司的成立会计日常工作报表分析运用全系列过程的会计详细过程, 着重FOCUS ON 会计实际操作和报表分析运用.NICOLE用真正的实际工作的INVOICES和TIMESHEETS来提供5个Topic,完整、系统、充实的教学内容,着重讲述FULL FUNCTION的实际操作,同时从第一课讲课开始从REPORT的高度来讲解实际操作班中学到的AP ARPAYROLL与报表的内在联系(这是SYNEY 唯一一家会计培训班能让你在最短时间内以最少金钱达到ACCOUNTANT水平)


      Accounts Payable & Purchase Processing  & Inventory & Accounts Sep up & Company Set up

      Payroll, Superannuation & Different Award Interpretation& Advanced Payroll 及payroll 变化处理

      Accounts Re
      ceivable and Sales Processing and Bank Rec & Inventory and Resume skills

      报表分析强化 Financial Reports Analysis and BAS report( GST ) & Payroll tax & Group Certificate and Interview preparation &IAS (PAYG Withholding Tax)

      报表分析强化Fixed asset register and maintenance Month end Journal processing Balance sheet reconciliation and variance clearance 参照不同公司的报表出现的错误,高深度全方位分析&实际工作的错误案例分析





      中型-大型规模公司的 (起薪在$45,000-$60,000以上)

      *Assistant Accountant
      *Financial Accountant
      *Assistant Management Accountant

      *Accounts All Round/ Internal Accountant/ Officer administrator Manager

      *Finance Manager/ Accounts Manager


      5个session+Excel training 只需 $1000.两人以上同时报名可享受优惠。(从八月起, 我培训班推出免费旁听一小时, 让学生有机会, 有比较. 然后作出自己明智的决定.

      免费参加会计实战 Excel 班.价比极高,5session。每个session 4-5小时由Nicole 耐心细致,不间断的讲解和学生手把手的操作.你可以完成第一节课后满意付全款,否则只需付第一节课费用性价比极高。  


      Thanks for your interests in my class.  Yes, You can choose 初级班 first, then you can decide whether you would like to continue to study in 初级班 to finish the rest of two topics or you can choose to transfer to 会计实战全能班 for the rest of two topics, that is really flexible for all of my students who is willing to study in my class.

      联系 AP , AR and Payroll  topic of 会计实战初级班  are the exact same as 会计实战全能班, as I still  keep the same structure and start with financial report while I explain the individual invoice to my students as I would like to see my students  know what they are doing and what are the impact of the financial report while they try to process any accounts transaction into the accounting software, I really donot like any of my students just to be a bookkeeper or data entry person, as they donot know what they are exactly doing.

      区别The difference between 会计实战初级班 and 会计实战全能班 is the financial report, In 会计实战全能班, I will analyse the financial report for more than 6 hours teaching through two topics, but 会计实战初级班 will not give the financial report analyse as I will teach different contents through 会计实战初级班, but the contents of 会计实战全能班 will definitely cover all the contents of 会计实战初级班

      Therefore, donot worry about which class you should study at the moment, just come to study in  会计实战初级班, and you can decide 会计实战全能班 after you have gone AP, AR, payroll topic later in order to make the right decision for yourself.

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      nicole1997 发表于 27-2-2011 20:54:04

      Please take it easy and be yourself

      Hi, Cathy,

      Monday is the first day for you to start your accounting job in Australia. Please take it easy and be confident. I do understand this is the first day for you, you will be a little bit nervous as you have never worked for accounting before. However  I do believe you will be good enough to handle your working as you not only learned everything properly, but also you have done a wonderful special program which is exactly what does most companies  do. so please take it easy , you will be fine...., please leave your phone in silence or turn off during your work as your employer will watch you until they get  to know you.

      if you have Any questions during your work, please let me know after work.....

      Good luck and all the best...


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      nicole1997 发表于 1-3-2011 05:19:49

      Nicole 会计实战操作培训


      学生JOB HUNTING成功经验大总结



      初级实战班 +会计实战全能班


      求职辅导+Free ExcelOngoing support




      NICOLE  培训班推出免费试听

      眼见为实, 耳听为虚. 作出你明智的决定

      很多学生咨询:社会上培训班太多,他们确实不知道哪个班好,提出 能不能试听?所以我现在提供试听制度,让所有学生试听一到两个小时之后才选择我的课堂,这样他们有机会来做他们的决定。 自从推行以来,很受学生的欢迎。而且越来越多已参加过其他会计培训班的学生重新选择NICOLE的培训班.确实只要你敢来试听,我相信我能力留住每个来敢来试听的学生。 YOU KNOW WHY? 由于近三年的教学,还没有任何一个学生走出我的课堂。不信,你可亲自试试.

      是的, 世间无奇不有, 我知道我NICOLE确实很渺小, 但我真希望所有办培训班的老师能从心底里来帮帮我们的中国同胞,让他们真正学到物有所值的东西.

      同时我建议所有没上过课的学生不要被时髦广告所蒙蔽, 勇敢地要求试听, 然后比较一下, 看哪家会计的培训班让你真正学到实用的实践经验, 货比三家. 即使你没经验, 但试听不同的培训班, 你是可以看出不同老师的讲课技巧和实战经验, 看哪个更适合你? 好的培训班不但让节约时间和金钱, 同时给你们一个会计职业取向和会计思维方式.

      总之: 时髦广告是不是真正代表讲课内容真正"时髦" 和实在? 只有你真正试听比较之后, 你自有定夺. 是的. 眼见为实, 耳听为虚. 作出你明智的决定




      全澳州第一家把高级会计联合讲解, 不需要通过另外的班级来补充残缺的知识,节约学生大量的时间和金钱,

      ★全澳州第一家亲自在悉尼、墨尔本、布里斯班、阿德莱德、黄金海岸 PERTH循环授课运行近三年会计培训机构

      全澳州第一家以Balance Sheet&Profit Loss 为中心讲解, 让学生知其然,还知其所以然,学生就业起点高,绝大学生找到Accountant,Assistant Accountant,Accounts all round, business analyst, Accounts manager 工作

      NICOLE老师亲身经历以无数次RECRUITER 经验穿插Interview Skills Tips 每节课中会计实战培训


                  12 Mar 11 Sydney class is recruiting
                       (Syd 初级实战班 &会计实战全能)

      19 Mar 11 Brisbane class is recruiting
      (Brisbane 会计实战全能班)

      19 Apr 11 Sydney class is recruiting
                       (Syd 初级实战班 &会计实战全能)

      22 Apr 11 Perth class is recruiting
      ( Perth初级实战班 &会计实战全能班)

      Nicole 会计培训已是悉尼地区知名会计培训班,凭借Nicole 老师二十载丰富的职场阅历和精湛的专业知识,培训班已成为此地区同类培训班中覆盖面最广、授课时间最长、知识更新最快、可操作性最强的会计培训班。Nicole这种高强度和开放式教学培训模式让学员在最短时间内达到积累两年会计实践经验的目的。


      教学资源宽敞的教学环境,详尽的帐务演示。    合理收费你一时有限付出,获终生无限回报。

      培训内容会计流程实际操作,请看课程设置表。    培训效果积累2年左右的会计实战经验,达85%以上找工成功率

      报名咨询联系方式 - Email / MSN [email protected]                    Mobile0425 208 098



      -Accounts Payable and Purchase Processing and Inventory

      -Accounts Receivable and Sales Processing and Bank reconciliations

      -Payroll, Superannuation, PAYG withholding tax, and payroll tax Processing

      -Company GST, BAS and IAS processing and Financial reporting

      -Resume skill and Interview preparation




      小型-中型规模公司的 (起薪在$35,000以上)

      *Accounts Payable officer
      *Accounts receivable  officer / collection officer/ credit control officer
      *Payroll Officer
      *Accounts all rounder/ Accounts clerk/ Accounts administrator
      *Bookkeeper /Assistant Accountant


      5个session+Excel training 只需$650,其他城市收费标准 $850.两人以上同时报名可享受优惠 。从八月起, 我培训班推出免费旁听一小时, 让学生有机会, 有比较. 然后作出自己明智的决定.此会计初级实战班不同于社会上的会计初级实战班只解释怎么做-会计初级实战班的讲课不同点不但让学生知道怎么做,同时让他们知道为什么.

      免费参加会计实战 Excel班.
      性价比极高,5个session。每个session 4-5小时由Nicole 耐心细致,不间断的讲解. 讲课内容和时间比较灵活。你可以完成第一节课后满意付全款,否则只需付第一节课费用

      授课人数: 5-10人小班中英文授课








      此培训班的讲解是公司的成立会计日常工作报表分析运用全系列过程的会计详细过程, 着重FOCUS ON 会计实际操作和报表分析运用.NICOLE用真正的实际工作的INVOICES和TIMESHEETS来提供5个Topic,完整、系统、充实的教学内容,着重讲述FULL FUNCTION的实际操作,同时从第一课讲课开始从REPORT的高度来讲解实际操作班中学到的AP ARPAYROLL与报表的内在联系(这是SYNEY 唯一一家会计培训班能让你在最短时间内以最少金钱达到ACCOUNTANT水平)


      Accounts Payable & Purchase Processing  & Inventory & Accounts Sep up & Company Set up

      Payroll, Superannuation & Different Award Interpretation& Advanced Payroll 及payroll 变化处理

      Accounts Re
      ceivable and Sales Processing and Bank Rec & Inventory and Resume skills

      报表分析强化 Financial Reports Analysis and BAS report( GST ) & Payroll tax & Group Certificate and Interview preparation &IAS (PAYG Withholding Tax)

      报表分析强化Fixed asset register and maintenance Month end Journal processing Balance sheet reconciliation and variance clearance 参照不同公司的报表出现的错误,高深度全方位分析&实际工作的错误案例分析





      中型-大型规模公司的 (起薪在$45,000-$60,000以上)

      *Assistant Accountant
      *Financial Accountant
      *Assistant Management Accountant

      *Accounts All Round/ Internal Accountant/ Officer administrator Manager

      *Finance Manager/ Accounts Manager


      5个session+Excel training 只需$800 .其他城市收费标准 $1000.两人以上同时报名可享受优惠。( 我培训班同时推出免费试听旁听, 让学生有机会, 有比较. 然后作出自己明智的决定.

      免费参加会计实战 Excel 班.价比极高,5session。每个session 4-5小时由Nicole 耐心细致,不间断的讲解和学生手把手的操作.你可以完成第一节课后满意付全款,否则只需付第一节课费用性价比极高。  


      Thanks for your interests in my class.  Yes, You can choose 初级班 first, then you can decide whether you would like to continue to study in 初级班 to finish the rest of two topics or you can choose to transfer to 会计实战全能班 for the rest of two topics, that is really flexible for all of my students who is willing to study in my class.

      联系 AP , AR and Payroll  topic of 会计实战初级班  are the exact same as 会计实战全能班, as I still  keep the same structure and start with financial report while I explain the individual invoice to my students as I would like to see my students  know what they are doing and what are the impact of the financial report while they try to process any accounts transaction into the accounting software, I really donot like any of my students just to be a bookkeeper or data entry person, as they donot know what they are exactly doing.

      区别The difference between 会计实战初级班 and 会计实战全能班 is the financial report, In 会计实战全能班, I will analyse the financial report for more than 6 hours teaching through two topics, but 会计实战初级班 will not give the financial report analyse as I will teach different contents through 会计实战初级班, but the contents of 会计实战全能班 will definitely cover all the contents of 会计实战初级班

      Therefore, donot worry about which class you should study at the moment, just come to study in  会计实战初级班, and you can decide 会计实战全能班 after you have gone AP, AR, payroll topic later in order to make the right decision for yourself.



      报表分析强化 Financial Reports Analysis and BAS report( GST ) & Payroll tax & Group Certificate and Interview preparation &IAS (PAYG Withholding Tax)

      报表分析强化Fixed asset register and maintenance Month end Journal processing Balance sheet reconciliation and variance clearance


      择业范围: 起薪在$60,000
      *Financial Accountant
      *Finance Manager


      1个session+Excel training 只需$400

      性价比极高。每个session 4-5小时。(由Nicole耐心细致的不间断讲解和分析)

      Budget & Inventory

      主讲人: NICOLE

      Inventory &International transactions& Budget report

      分1次课,每次课4-5小时左右,着重在FINANCIAL FUNCTION的实际操作

      -Inventory(order, backorder, pricing, purchase, COS and sales) Stock take & Adjustment

      -International transactions (Foreign currency bank accounts/transactions) realised and unrealised foreign currency gain/loss

      -Budget report in MYOB

      时间: WEEKENDS授课  班额:5人左右。



      $300:费用仅仅AUD$300元, 绝对是value for money物超所值!(报名无需交押金,当你来上课时直接带学费过来,PS: 不接受试听). 讲课内容和时间比较灵活。
      PS: 此课程改革只针对SYDNEY学生。因为受外地讲课时间的限制,其他城市学生保持原讲课计划和收费标准。


         – 主讲人:MICHAEL


      操作班暂定2次课,每次课4小时左右,着重在FULL FUNCTION的实际操作,收费$400


      Income tax preparation for individual, small business and company and trust

      FBT--- Accounting treatment and tax treatment for FBT paid by employer, tax treatment for FBT received by employee

      Other services provided by accounting firm

      时间:WEEKDAYS 晚上4.30后或 WEEKENDS授课


      $400:费用仅仅AUD$400元, 绝对是value for money物超所值! (报名无需交押金,当你来上课时直接带学费过来.PS: 不接受试听). 讲课内容和时间比较灵活。

      Ongoing support:

      Tutor Program:由于NICOLE 以把初中高级会计通过实战快班一次性讲解, 难度和深度之大,由于学生层次不一, 难以在课堂上一一消化,NICOLE 给所有学生一次当TUTOR的机会对所有课程免费重新来听一次. 课后积极参与新学生的讨论以求所学知识能得到真正运用. 我们的Tutor Program为大家提供一个温故知新,, 拾遗补缺的好机会,我们强大的tutor program为所有的同学所津津乐道,很多学生都踊跃报名参加, 一般一个班有4-5 个TUTOR.受到所有学生的一致好评.

      免费参加 Excel 班:我们提供的free excel course 以让无数学生受益。我们本着学生利益为先,自己利益为后。牺牲自己的业余时间为大家奉上实用的excel training,熟悉和掌握intermediate 到advanced level的function和formula。让大家不仅在找工作时能帮到大忙,也在做工作时提高自己的工作效率. 同时提供TUTOR PROGRAM.



      联系方式 - Email / MSN
      [email protected]

      Mobile 0425 208 098

      Let's share the successful stories of job hunting!


      Have you guys never thought about why most of my students can reach such a high position in their job hunting??



      Nicole 的讲课实例

      [quote]原帖由 Patrick000 于 2010-9-15 10:12 发表

      我是先找到一个accounts clerk的工作,然后需要用到MYOB这个软件,还要做AP,AR,PAYROLL等等(这些一概不会,所以就试着去网上找这类辅导班,在参加Nicole老师的课程之前,我试听过悉尼大小各类会计辅导班,比如xxxx,xx and xx(  不敢公开诽谤别的辅导班, 大家都应该各有所闻) 每一家的广告都很专业,一个比一个专业,索性我就都去试听一遍, (BTW,我这个人从小喜欢看"十万个为什么"所以到现在还总喜欢问个为什么^_^) 他们上课都是教大家如何操作软件, 当我有了问题,具体深入慎重的问他们为什么的时候,对方含糊其辞片刻,然后回答到:对不起,这个方面的知识不是我来教的,请找我们另一位老师来给你讲解,(但是另一位老师不在), 你只需要记住如何操作就行了,以后工作中大部分时间都是在操作软件的. 晕....我不想做一个只会data entry的人,我需要学到深入的本质,弄明白为什么要这么做,最后做完生成的报表我如何能看懂,如何去纠正其中的错误,等等等等,这些是我花钱的目的吧?......

      试听很多的结果类似,总是回答不了我的为什么,后来经同学介绍,说Nicole老师讲的不错,挺深入的,而且有实际的操作经验,所以我就拨通了Nicole老师的电话,那个星期六就去上课了,上了近乎四个小时左右的课程, 让我收获不少,把我在实际工作中遇到的问题都详细,深入的解答了,
      关键是告诉了我为什么要这样操作,(Nicole老师总是很自信的说:听过我的课的学生,没有走出过我的课堂的,最后都会留下来继续以后的课程) 当时我还半信半疑呢,现在知道了,应了一句老话:没有金刚钻儿,不敢揽瓷器活儿.


      原帖由 Patrick000 于 2010-9-15 10:12 发表

      昨天我在做bank reconciliation,当我正确的输入new statement balance还有bank statement date之后,系统会出来很多你以前记录过的明细科目,然后先untick所有的item,接着就是跟着bank statement一个一个来勾选你要核对的项目,再核对那个项目之后的balance,看看跟bank statement 上是否可以对上,如果对不上找到原始帐目,找出问题,需要新增加的项目(eg:bank charge,interest earning......),还有一个就是,你可以看到最近一次做bank reconciliation的日期,我的系统里显示的是6月30号(这个时候新的问题又产生了,a new financial year already started,我只能看到7月份之后的帐目了), 我就按照nicole老师课堂上讲的一步一步做下去,做到最后out of balance如果是0就说明你的bank recociliation应该是做对了,然后点击recocilie,但是我的out of balance 是$6017.23, 到这儿我就不知道怎么往下做了,我核对了所有我勾选过的项目,他们的出处,以及系统里的记录我都check过,所有的bank charges, fees, interest我都bank entry 过了,所有的cheque都已经clear 了, 但out of balance仍然不是0, Nicole老师,请帮忙分析一下这个问题的原因,以及具体解决方案, 大家也可以通过活生生的实例来看看Nicole老师的实力. 就像我说的,花钱听Nicole老师的课,你会觉得物超所值,钱花的有道理.

      让无经验的佩服容易,让有经验的佩服不易 我培训班能让两者都满意而归 只要你敢于尝试
      Hi, Patrick,
      haha, learn something new form you today: 应了一句老话:没有金刚钻儿,不敢揽瓷器活儿."Nicole老师总是很自信的说:听过我的课的学生,没有走出过我的课堂的,最后都会留下来继续以后的课程." Yes, prelistening is the best chance to get to know whether the class is good or not . Yes, I am very confident with my great accounting experience and teaching skills to keep any of you in my class as long as you  dare to try. no matter whether you have accounting experience or not, you will have the same feeling as Patrick had this try already and share his feeling  in here....

      Remember when you are trying to do anything in the accounts which I have mentioned in my class, the clear mind is very important for you, otherwise you will be easy to get lost if you donot know exactly what you are doing..

      The aim of bank reconciliation is to attempt to allocate the reasons for the discrepancies because of two balances of two bank (MYOB accounts bank and real physical bank) are not reconciled due to MYOB accounts bank and physical bank have been recorded in different dates.

      So we need to reconcile our bank from the accounts record to match the real physical bank while choosing the certain date each month, using the statement from the real physical bank as a guidance,

      Firstly (most important) : before you start any bank reconciliation, make sure the calculated statement balance from MYOB bank to match your real physical bank statement  from your last bank reconciliation. In your situation, most of the reasons might be in here if you did make sure each transaction which shows on your real bank statement through your current reconciliation

      If not match, you should find the reason and match the previous one first. Do not rush to do the next bank reconciliation; otherwise you will just waste your time

      If you did double check and match both balances from both banks, then you can start new bank reconciliation and follow the steps which I have taught you guys in my class.Please note: while you reconcile bank account, you have to take your great attention with you, otherwise it is also hard to balance oh, this not only occurred in my accounts department, and also occurred in many of my students. So take your great attentions with. Haha, from what I have seen you in my class, you were always jumping forward in front of me due you really have some practical accounting experience, especially you are very familiar with MYOB, in order to let you learn everything properly from me, I have ask one of my tutor to watch you all the time to make you can follow me all the time in my class. As you know, MYOB is just one third contents in my class, most importantly you come to my class, you should learn the way I taught you how to analyze each situation of accounts and how I use the accounting knowledge to apply for the real work, not just MYOB practice. Haha, you are a very kid with Angela’s guidance. So if you could learn step by step, you will be a very good accountant one day as you always like to ask why and why, that means you are thinking all the time, that’s very good, I Believe . but in your current learning process, please do not rush. This is just a friendly reminder from Nicole. Hopefully you donot mind.

      About you said in here: 我的系统里显示的是630(这个时候新的问题又产生了,a new financial year already started,我只能看到7月份之后的帐目了)

      No matter you have started your new accounting financial year, so the accounting records which you haven’t reconciled will definitely be there.

      About you said in here: 我就按照nicole老师课堂上讲的一步一步做下去,做到最后out of balance如果是0就说明你的bank recociliation应该是做对了,然后点击recocilie,但是我的out of balance $6017.23, 到这儿我就不知道怎么往下做了,我核对了所有我勾选过的项目,他们的出处,以及系统里的记录我都check,所有的bank charges, fees, interest我都bank entry 过了,所有的cheque都已经clear , out of balance仍然不是0

      I guess from what you said: have you got a chance to check the calculated the balance first before starting the new reconciliation which is most important for you as this is the best way to let you know whether the two banks match or not, if match, you can start your new bank reconciliation.
      If not match, you should find the reasons and match first. Do not rush to do the next bank reconciliation; otherwise you just waste your time. In this situation, If did check, you really cannot find the reasons to match the previous balance, MYOB(staring from premier 12, now we accountsright premium 19) has the redo bank reconciliation function, but before you use this function, please please make sure you have done back up (in order to restore back if anything happens to your accounts), as this will give you another chance to have a look why you cannot match)

      If you spent a lot of time on it and you really really cannot find the reason at that time to match the bank, I will tell you another a secret tip while you come to my class, sorry not in here, please donot use this tip until it is emergency oh, the reason I donot prefer my students to use this tip due to the real practical accounting experience you have, it will be very hard for you guys to deal with the rest, it maybe make so complicated for you, this is why I donot teach you guys these tips with my teaching, I would like you guys to learn everything in the proper way, but anyway, please double check your bank again today (remember if sometimes you really find its hard to balance during the day, please leave it to the next day, while you come back the next day, you will very fresh and it will be easy for you to find reasons as well sometimes)to see whether you can match or not, if really not match, I will give my tips to you in my class.

      So for the bank reconciliation actually is the easiest job for the accounts person, just very hands on as long as you are good at attention to details, it will be easy to balance, as it does not need too much accounting & knowledge except some bank charges, amex fee charge , DD payment, TT payment , interests etc ( you do need to think about the impact of these transactions from the financial report and also need to consider whether you have already recorded in your book, if yes, donot double record again, otherwise you will double sale or purchase or expense, etc)  while you are trying to reconcile and balance your bank account

      Sorry, I only can explain English in here,I cannot type so many Chinese in here, otherwise it will take my whole week to finish typing Chinese word. Hopefully my explanation gives you some help.

      Have a try today and Good luck. If you really cannot balance, please bring your company back up if you could allow me to have a look, so I can have a look for you before I show you my tips to you.


      ... [/quote]

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      nicole1997 发表于 3-3-2011 15:18:28

      Questions & Nicole's answer

      原帖由 From: [email protected]
      To: ln
      Subject: RE: Inquire Brisbane Accounting Class
      Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2011 06:33:37 +1100

      Hi, Andy,

      Thanks for your interest in my class.  now i  will answer your question one by one below:

      Your question 1: Firstly, How long it will take?

      There are 4 topics in my class within 20 hours teaching. I live in Sydney and work as a finance manager for one of large size company in Sydney, so normally i will run my class outside Sydney for one weekend, this is the same as in Brisbane within two days ( unless there are more than 12 people apply my class, I will come for two weeks), that means there are 10 hours per day.  Yes, in my class, you need to bring your laptop and practice with me in my class in order to get filmier with the practice accounting procedures, after my four topics, you will definitely know about what exactly commercial accounting works as most of company does this way. In my class, I will not only teach you the practical accounting , most importantly I will teach you the way how to think about our practical accounting, so the financial report is the main power in my class ( I always would like to train my students to be a good accountant with a great thinking as I donot like to train my student just to be a bookkeeper.) I will use the real invoices to teach one by one about the real practical accounting and also I will show how to apply your accounting knowledge into our real work place through more than 50 pages materials  and tell why through each transaction and then you can apply your skills into your future work while you really understand why, this is my class why make difference for my students as this is the one biggest difference from another accounting training class.  Also , Myob accounting which is very popular in the market will be used in my class through my teaching

      Yes, this will be a very hard working weekend. But this does definitely work for us and work very well, nearly 90% of my students found their accounting job through this kind of class, as I have run this kind of class for more than 3 years, such as in Brisbane , gold coast, Melbourne and Adelaide and Perth. Also, I will be a tutor to answer your questions for all outside of Sydney, so donot worry about the ongoing support; this is my reputation and my guarantee for all of my students in Australia

      Secondly, Will you write reference for me and give me some advises about resume?

      I will definitely to give your resume some advice and help you to amend your resume and also give you some tips on your interview questions . However, I have mentioned in my forum, i will never write any reference letter to any of my students. Firstly most of Chinese accounting training does this way in order to attract students to study in there. I have interviewed many people, whether you can get the accounting job, not because you have a good reference letter, that really depends how confident to answer your interviewer questions and how skillful you are to handle your work, so this really depends on your practical accounting skills, where to get these skills, I will give you very details and teach all of them in my class in order to build your confidence. but i will not write any reference letter to cheat you to study my class. I would like my students to be very capable to get interview and handle the work by themselves in the future, not because of a good reference letter to get the job and then being sacked straight away because he / she is not good enough to handle their work...

      The above is my explanation about my class and my personality. However, you are the own person to make your own decision.... If you are still interested in my class, please let me know asap as My Brisbane class will start on 19/3/11



      Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2011 00:18:26 +1000
      Subject: Re: Inquire Brisbane Accounting Class
      From: ln.To: [email protected]

      Hi Nicole,

      It is good to hear from you. I would like to join your class, but I have some questions before. Firstly, How long it will take? Secondly, Will you write reference for me and give me some advises about resume? You k that the reason why I want to join your class is that I want to learn something from it. I hope the class may help me a lot in looking for my first accounting job.

      I am looking for your reply.



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      nicole1997 发表于 6-3-2011 13:18:35







      原帖由 From: [email protected]
      To: [email protected]
      Subject: RE: 亲爱的Nicole,你好吗
      Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2011 14:10:46 +1100

      Wow, Cindy, Good to hear that.  Thanks for telling me. Congratulations. i am very proud of you. thanks for choosing my class and glad to know my class is so useful for you.  haha, also i do know my class is very useful for all the students as I come from a very practical Finance manager positions oh.... haha, I do believe you will be this position in your future... do not say” no” to me, who knows the future if you could always keep this great spirits in your life , like you said in here” 也谢谢我自己当时做的这个决定,不怕路远到你那上课啊!其实这也是一种缘分,不是吗...."

      Yes,  I am  a  busy lady. so I am a big fighter with time. I prefer the lifestyle not only work hard, also I would like to play hard. no matter how busy I am, I always squeeze anytime to go to Gym and  and play tennis and go for travel. yes, I still run my class, but I am just willing to run one class per month in order to help people who need my help, and also I can have my Sunday off, how lovely it is. Help people is one of my pleasure in my life, also it will bring me lot of happiness while I know you guys successfully got your job and also you guys can really utilize what you have learned from my class into your work, ....this is why I know all of my students will appreciate my teaching one day as they realize how useful and practical  my teaching  will be .like you said in here: : "一去上班就感受到你当时教的东西是多么受用跟实用啦!让我马上就能得心应手,真的要好好感谢你. how wonderful it will be , I cannot ask for any more  

      Yes, I have been very busy recently as the company I am working for is grow so quickly and many changes in the company, lot of management meeting, lots of reports need to be prepared and discussion through meeting, at the same time I have to interview many candidates each week and also I need to train my new staff. Yes, very busy, Actually  it is not only a great chance for me to reach anther level in my life, also its very a good thing for all of my students as I can bring more practical management  and practical training experience  through my teaching all the time. I like this great chellange…..

      Thanks for still remember me. I know you have tried very hard on your job hunting. If you have any free time, would you mind sharing these in my forum about the process while you have gone through your interview after finishing my class and also share your happiness with us while you  have successfully got your current job. As you know, all of your great job hunting experience in order to help others while they are still on the way to hunting job. You know, this great experience is very important for people  and encourage them who are on the way to looking for job. Hopefully i didn’t ask you too much, haha, don’t rush. You can share with us any time...

      Haha, you still remember my daughter and appreciated your tour guider while my father and I travelled in Wollongong . Yes, My daughter is a great kid and she has done very well in her high school. haha, she is so glad I work for accounting as I am able to help her  assignment about Commerce and business. Haha, I can be a great Mum this time

      Look, I am very special to everyone....haha, just joking....

      Once again, congratulations. Please keep in touch

      From: [email protected]
      Subject: 亲爱的Nicole,你好吗
      Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2011 11:28:39 +1100
      To: [email protected]



      我还挺想你的呢!去年有试过给你电话,估计你在忙,所以没有接听。我去年3月份开始在一家accounting firm上班了,一直到现在,还在那做。一去上班就感受到你当时教的东西是多么受用跟实用啦!让我马上就能得心应手,真的要好好感谢你,也谢谢我自己当时做的这个决定,不怕路远到你那上课啊!其实这也是一种缘分,不是吗




      On 25/06/2009, at 10:35 AM, anna fun wrote:

      Morning, Cindy,

      How are you ? how is your job hunting going? have you got any good news for me before i come to Australia?

      look forward to hearing from you soon
      All the best
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      nicole1997 发表于 7-3-2011 12:14:48


      很多学生咨询,如何在最短的时间 内学好Nicole会计全能班的课程, 需要做些什么课前准备工作,现在LIST如下:

      SEEK,MY CAREER广告找出20accounts Payable, accounts receivable, payroll officer, Accounts all round, Assistant Accountant, Accountant广告, 找出每个职位的 Job Duties

      目的:尽早熟悉每个工作职责,同时来检验Nicole上课内容是否涉及, 是不是真正和实际工作要求match

      熟悉 all the accounts lists from Financial report (Balance Sheet/ Profit Loss)

      了解 Prepayment and Accrual Accounts, Fixed Asset , Depreciations

      熟悉如何Preparation of General Journals while you face accounts situations


      在课堂用实际工作的real invoices and timesheet and real bank statement and real financial reports 来讲解所有的实际会计操作。 同时指点如何运用UNI 所学的知识来运用实际操作中。让学生真正明白UNI知识的威力和实际工作的区别和联系
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