如果买家需要 我们会做好清洁工作
本帖说明 大型厨具 如 烤箱 冰箱 洗碗机 微波炉等 买家一旦需要 我们提供送货服务
如有需要 杯子 餐具 桌椅板凳 等小件物品 请微信联系帖主
电话 +61 450790829
because of this web limit, there have some photos did not show up in this introduction which for people who speak English. We have oven,fridge,dish-washing machine,microwave oven and some tableware,goblet,cup. also we have three trellis. if anyone need it. Please contact with me. My wechat is 382399311。if you didn't have wechat。there have my phone number:+61 450790829. if someone buy many product do not worry about transport. we will help you and you can just sitting at the home for waitting. |
BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。
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