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beast 发表于 29-3-2017 16:46:37
a new house with three bedrooms, loated at 2A Scott Ave, Clovelly Park 5042, all furnitured, air-con, gas, everything! housemates who studying in Flinders uni are friendly and supportive!
only one room with queen size bed avalable from begining of April!
3mins walking to bus stop, 719,720,720H, 721, 722 to wherever u want ! only 10mins to flinders uni and marion by bus, less than 30mins to the city!!!
155 per week including everything, we prefer to have a student and we are welcome a person who doesnot waste water/ele/gas, can keep house clean and tidy, easy get along with, no smoking and pets~~! deosnot matter about the gender.
phone number 0451785335
wechat v931125109
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