本帖最后由 Avril_wu 于 2014-3-4 14:30 编辑
1.BUSS 1057 Business & Society $15 (已卖)
2. ACCT 2005 Fianancial Accounting 2 (FA3 也用这本)
Leo, K., Hoggett, J and Sweeting, J 2012,Company Accounting, 9th edn, John Wiley, Sydney (最新版,装订版)99新 有透明包装纸 $90
3.8th 上一版 $45 (和新版有区别的地方已改,包括改动的习题已附上新版的图片复印)附送tute答案 9新
4. Handbook 2012 (可带入考场) $30
5. Companies and Partnership Law (COML 2005)
An Outline of the Law of Partnership, 3th ed +Lipton的Understanding Company Law 15th 85新 (虽然是旧版,但比新版编写的好得多,assignment考试还是旧版得比较容易参考,这个版本考试可以带进考场)(附送assignment 成绩D,tutorial answer 和考试总结资料)$40
6. ACCT 3003 Contemporary Issues for Accounting, 1st ed. 95 新(旧版,但是和新版一模一样!一字不差!)(附送复习资料,tute answer)$50
7.(sold)Management Accounting (ACCT 2006) 不是revised版(revised版只是修正了印刷拼写错误和一道练习题少了一个数字。。。已补上)附送tute answer $50
8. Portfolio and Fund Management (BANK 3004) Bodie Z, Kane A and Marcus AJ 2013,Essentials of Investments, 9th edn, The McGraw-Hill Companies, USA
Bodie Z, Kane and Marcus AJ 2013,Solutions manual to accompany essentials of investments, 9th edn, The McGraw-Hill Companies, USA 最新版,99新 2本$100
9. Sharp EL738 金融计算器 $35 (已卖)
10. taxation law 2010版 handbook $10
联系电话: 0402394797 Avril 买多有优惠