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    [咨询] 有关SA公立医院的问题~ 大神们帮帮忙哈~

    cqin1 发表于 4-8-2013 21:07:42
    4840 2


    各位学护士的哥哥姐姐们 我是在QUEENSLAND学护理的。今年毕业打算到SA工作。正在申请grads program 在hospital pereference. 主要想干cardiology 和 OT 这两个ward。不知道哪个医院在这两个方面比较好。如果perference rural的医院有没有什么好选择呢?请各位大神帮帮忙啊~ 小妹儿感激不尽
    •           Flinders Medical Centre
    •           Lyell McEwin Hospital
    •           Modbury Hospital
    •           The Queen Elizabeth Hospital
    •           Repatriation General Hospital
    •           Royal Adelaide Hospital
    •           Women's and Children's Hospital

    Barossa,Hills, Fleurieu Rural Region
    •           Gawler Hospital
    •           Mount Barker Districts Soldiers'Memorial Hospital
    •           Strathalbyn and Districts HealthServices
    •           South Coast District Hospital

    Eyre,Flinders & Far North Rural Region
    •           Ceduna Hospital
    •           Port Augusta Hospital
    •           Port Lincoln Hospital
    •           Roxby Downs Health Services
    •           Whyalla Hospital
    Riverland,Mallee Coorong Rural Region
    •           Barmera Hospital
    •           Berri Hospital
    •           Lameroo District Health Service
    •           Loxton Hospital Complex
    •           Murray Bridge Soldiers' Memorial Hospital
    •           Pinnaroo Soldiers Memorial Hospital
    •           Renmark Paringa District Hospital
    •           Tailem Bend District Hospital
    •           Waikerie Health Service
    SouthEast Rural Region
    •           Bordertown Memorial Hospital
    •           Kingston Soldiers' Memorial Hospital
    •           Lower South East
    •           Naracoorte Health Service
    Yorke& Northern Rural Region
    •           Balaklava Hospital and Health Serviceand Riverton Hospital and Health Service
    •           Maitland Hospital and Health Service
    •           PortPirie Hospital Regional Health District (includes information forOrrorroo,Crystal Brook Campus, Booleroo Campus & Laura Campus)
           •           Wallaroo Hospital and Health Service
           •           Yorketown Hospital and Health Service

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    jaz5064 发表于 25-9-2013 20:46:39
    那几个大医院dou不错, flinders , royal adelaide , queen Elizabeth and Lyell mcewin , if you can get offer from Lyell mcewin, you may be able stay in there after your GNP. Other hospitals may not take you as minimal position available . Repatriation  hosp just had some structure rearrangement . They moved cardiology most of patient up to flinders.
    For the rural area . Port August is a little bigger than others.

    Goog luck
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    Ada 发表于 21-11-2013 07:02:32 来自手机
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