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lxq 发表于 8-1-2011 10:43:39
本帖最后由 lxq 于 2011-1-8 11:07 编辑
Second Hand Nikon D90 twin lens kit and D90 Accessory Bundle for sale:
The kit includes:
- 1 Nikon D90 12.3 megapixel camera body ( with less than 5000 shutter actuations)
- 1 Nikkor AF-S DX 18-105mm f/3.5 – 5.6 G ED VR Lens
- Either 1 Nikkor AF-S DX 55-200mm f/4 – 5.6 IF ED Lens Or 1 Nikkor AF-S DX 55-300 f/4.5 – 5.6 G ED VR Lens
This offer is to be sold as a whole kit only, and cannot be sold separately. The package will also include all the original factory accessories that came with the kit (e.g. neck strap, camera battery, USB cable, AV cable, Battery Charger, Nikon software bundle, User Manual, Warranty etc.). All original packaging boxes are available on request.
Nikon AF-S DX 18-105 mm f/3-5 - 5.6 ED VR Lens
Nikon AF-S DX 55-200mm f/4 - 5.6 IF ED VR Lens
Nikon AF-S DX 55-300mm f/4.5 - 5.6 G ED VR Lens
Price for the kit is A$ 1300 with 55-200 VR Lens and A$ 1400 with 55-300 VR Lens. And for another A$ 200 a D90 accessory kit is available. Accessories include:
- 1 Nikon MB-D80 Battery Grip
- 1 Nikon EN-EL3 Battery
- Nikon ML-L3 Remote Control
有意者请和本人联系, 您可请自到家来看看实物,本人很爱惜,没伤没刮得,很少用,和新的没2样
Please contact on 0434251177 (optus mobile) for further inquiries (卖家说英文) |
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