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      [行政/文秘/编辑] Admin Staff / 办公室行政人员

      bfssa 发表于 15-5-2024 13:59:19
      3339 0


      We are a food distribution company located at Regency Park dealing with local restaurants, cafes, takeaway shops, and grocery shops. We urgently seeking for experienced Sales Admin staff to work with our team.

      Duties will include:
      Answering phone calls and assisting customers with their orders。
      Process customer orders and creating invoices with accurate data entry and correct pricing.
      Ensure all customers' orders are processed accordingly in time.
      Dealing with customer inquiries; ensure customers have accurate product information and pricing.
      Follow up on all issues relating to customers, credits, payment, complaints, and delivery discrepancy。
      Assist with customers' pick up at the warehouse.
      Require good communication within the office and warehouse。
      Process banking payment, credit card payments and follow up on outstanding payments as required.
      Liaise with warehouse for receiving and office for a daily manifest run in the morning。
      Report to Managers for any issues relating to customers, products, and market information.
      Create and maintain excellent customer relationships。

      Skills required for this role are:
      Able to speak and understand English, Mandarin, and Cantonese。
      Previous office administration experience preferable in Foodservice industry。
      Relevant experience in customer service, administration, and logistics/warehouse。
      Excellent team player, telephone manner, communication, and organizational skills。
      Strong organizational skills and the ability to perform duties with tight deadlines under minimal supervision。
      Demonstrate commitment to customer services。
      Ability to work in a fast, busy,detail-oriented environment and work under pressure。
      Show initiative, keenness to learn, and a positive attitude。

      Kindly email your resume to [email protected] thank you.

      RegencyPark 办公室行政人员

      ·        为客户下单,开单,入账,对账等相关财务工作
      ·        安排订货,收货,发货,路线安排,库存管理等相关事宜
      ·        公司日常行政事务,以及临时事务,部门间的协调工作
      ·        协助经理以及其它同事
      1.     具有良好的团队协作, 沟通能力以及抗压能力。
      2.     具有一定的客服经验,能和客人进行有效的沟通。
      3.     具有条理性。对于突发的、同步进行的事件能分清楚轻重缓急,在工作上能灵活地协助其他同事。
      4.     熟悉电脑操作,具备一定的会计Bookkeeping基础。能熟练运用或者接触过会计软件MYOB和精通Microsoft Office Suite(例如Excel等)
      5.     能接受5天工作,有时候夏季繁忙季节会有加班。一周工作时间38小时。
      6.     中英文听说读写能力优秀。
      7.     需要自备能上下班的交通工具。
      Kindly email your resume to [email protected] thank you.

      BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

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