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      [销售/业务/中介] 饭团外卖阿德莱德招聘商务拓展专员1名,全职

      FantuanHR 发表于 16-5-2023 10:07:53
      4405 0


      Business Developer – Adelaide
      Our Company and Culture
      Fantuan was founded in Vancouver, Canada in 2014. With a mission of “life made easier”, we are a technology company that provides a one-stop platform connecting people and their local community. Fantuan operates in major cities across Canada, the United States, Australia and the UK. As the world's leading life service platform, we enable our users to unlock access to the richness of their neighborhood and the city. From food and grocery delivery to convenience and daily deals, Fantuan is bringing communities closer together than ever before.
      We are now looking for a full time Business Developer for our company to be an important contributor in Food Delivery Industry.

      About the Role
      • Identify new potential restaurants in the target market and complete appropriate research on the prospective client’s business and equipment needs.
      • Team builds with the business development team to create contract-winning proposals for current and prospective customers.
      • Negotiate contract terms, prepare proposals, and organise post sales meetings to close sales.
      • Provide timely feedback between merchants and the firm regarding complaints and suggestions.
      • Collaborate with the marketing and production teams to ensure contracted product specifications are executed on-time and as agreed.
      • Maintain healthy relationships with existing partners to renew contract terms and commission margins.
      About yourself
      • Be confident and comfortable with targeting new business.
      • Be able to structure win-win deals for restaurants and the company.
      • Having great communication skills and being outgoing is essential.
      • Be able to persuasively demonstrate industry knowledge to clients.
      • Be able to work under pressure and be self-motivated.
      • Having interest in hospitality industry.
      • Having Australia work experience is preferable.
      • Be able to speak Mandarin and English.
      • Having the rights to work in Australia with no restriction.
      Additional information

      Working hour: Monday to Friday: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.
      Salary base + commission + monthly KPI achievement
      Probation period: three months
      Contract type: Full time
      饭团于2014年成立于加拿大温哥华, 作为全球领先的互联网生活服务平台, 饭团通过科技创新拉进用户和商户的距离。从外卖配送到生鲜便利, 我们不断开拓业务边界, 帮助用户更好地探索本地生活。目前, 饭团已覆盖加拿大, 美国, 澳大利亚, 英国各大城市, 为海外华人及所有海外消费者提供更加便捷, 高效, 智能的服务, 真正做到“轻松生活, 一个饭团就够了”的企业愿景。

      Business Developer 商务拓展专员 (全职)


      1.     根据KPI指标,完成负责区域内的商家签约入驻与商家入驻后的各项维护工作
      2.     做好所负责区域内的商家的菜单更新,物料铺设,维护好和商家的合作关系,即时向商家讲解平台新推出的活动内容,并完成相应的招商任务;
      3.     与商家保持良好沟通,实时把握商家需求。为商家提供主动、热情、满意、周到的服务;
      4.     具有主人翁意识,在开发及拓展潜在商户方面有主动意识;
      5.     收集一线营销信息和商家意见,对平台营销策略、售后服务、等提出参考意见;
      6.     执行上级安排的其他工作;

      ·      口齿清晰,具有日常英语沟通的能力,举止得体,乐于社交;
      ·      对销售工作有较高的热情,充分理解多劳多得的意义;
      ·      具备较强的学习能力和优秀的多线程任务的管理能力;
      ·      性格坚韧,思维敏捷,具备良好的应变能力和承压能力;
      ·      有敏锐的市场洞察力,有强烈的事业心、责任心和积极的工作态度;
      ·      有澳洲本地经验为佳,了解所在城市的餐饮市场为佳;
      ·      可以在澳洲合法工作。
      请将简历发送至:[email protected]
      联系人:Winnie Li
      电话:0435 455 235

      BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

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