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      [留学,续签&过桥] 【5月17日,众望所归的新SOL。7月1日实施。】

      汪汪 发表于 17-5-2010 16:12:52
      3559 3


      本帖最后由 汪汪 于 2010-5-17 16:22 编辑

      Minister's announcement of new Skilled Occupations List – 17 MayOn 17 May 2010, the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans, announced the list of occupations included in the new Skilled Occupation List (SOL). The introduction of a new list of occupations is part of a package of reforms that reflects the Government's commitment to a labour market demand-driven Skilled Migration Program.

      Computing Professional 一般IT类
      Cook 厨师
      Pastry Cook 糕点师
      Baker 面包师
      Hairdresser 理发师
      Printing Pre-press Trades person 排版印刷工
      Translator/Interpreter 翻译

      Accounting 会计
      Engineer 工程(大部分)
      Nurse 护士
      Architect 建筑师
      Motor mechanic 修车工
      Bricklayer 砌砖工
      Carpenter 木工
      Wall&Floor tiler 瓷砖工

      261111 ICT business analyst
      261112 Systems analyst
      261311 Analyst programmer
      261312 Developer programmer


      2月8号之前申请或者拿到485 TR的申请人



      New List of Skilled Occupations Intended to Replace the
      Current Skilled Occupation List
      It is intended that this list of occupations will form the new Skilled Occupation List, proposed
      to come into effect from 1 July 2010. The Minister for Immigration and Citizenship will be
      recommending that the Governor-General in Council make amendments to the Migration
      Regulations 1994 to give effect to the framework in which this new list would be applied.
      ANZSCO Code Corresponding occupation
      133111 Construction project manager
      133112 Project builder
      133211 Engineering manager
      134111 Child Care centre manager
      134211 Medical administrator
      134212 Nursing clinical director
      134213 Primary health organisation manager
      134214 Welfare centre manager
      221111 Accountant (general)
      221112 Management accountant
      221113 Taxation accountant
      221213 External auditor
      221214 Internal auditor
      224111 Actuary
      224511 Land economist
      224512 Valuer
      231212 Ship's engineer
      231213 Ship's master
      231214 Ship's officer
      232111 Architect
      232112 Landscape architect
      232211 Cartographer
      232212 Surveyor
      232611 Urban and regional planner
      233111 Chemical engineer
      233112 Materials engineer
      233211 Civil engineer
      233212 Geotechnical engineer
      233213 Quantity surveyor
      233214 Structural engineer
      233215 Transport engineer
      233311 Electrical engineer
      233411 Electronics engineer
      233511 Industrial engineer
      233512 Mechanical engineer
      233513 Production or plant engineer
      233611 Mining engineer (excluding petroleum)
      233612 Petroleum engineer
      233911 Aeronautical engineer
      233912 Agricultural engineer
      233913 Biomedical engineer
      233914 Engineering technologist
      233915 Environmental engineer
      233916 Naval architect
      234111 Agricultural consultant
      234112 Agricultural scientist
      234113 Forester
      234211 Chemist
      234611 Medical laboratory scientist
      234711 Veterinarian
      241111 Early childhood (pre-primary school) teacher
      241411 Secondary school teacher
      241511 Special needs teacher
      241512 Teacher of the hearing impaired
      241513 Teacher of the sight impaired
      241599 Special education teachers nec
      251211 Medical diagnostic radiographer
      251212 Medical radiation therapist
      251213 Nuclear medicine technologist
      251214 Sonographer
      251411 Optometrist
      251412 Orthoptist
      252111 Chiropractor
      252112 Osteopath
      252311 Dental specialist
      252312 Dentist
      252411 Occupational therapist
      252511 Physiotherapist
      252611 Podiatrist
      252711 Audiologist
      252712 Speech pathologist
      253111 General medical practitioner
      253211 Anaesthetist
      253311 Specialist physician
      253312 Cardiologist
      253313 Clinical haematologist
      253314 Clinical oncologist
      253315 Endocrinologist
      253316 Gastroenterologist
      253317 Intensive care specialist
      253318 Neurologist
      253321 Paediatrician
      253322 Renal medicine specialist
      253323 Rheumatologist
      253324 Thoracic medicine specialist
      253399 Internal medicine specialist nec
      253411 Psychiatrist
      253511 Surgeon (general)
      253512 Cardiothoracic surgeon
      253513 Neurosurgeon
      253514 Orthopaedic surgeon
      253515 Otorhinolaryngologist
      253516 Paediatric surgeon
      253517 Plastic and reconstructive surgeon
      253518 Urologist
      253521 Vascular surgeon
      253911 Dermatologist
      253912 Emergency medicine specialist
      253913 Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
      253914 Ophthalmologist
      253915 Pathologist
      253916 Radiologist
      253999 Medical practitioners nec
      254111 Midwife
      254411 Nurse Practitioner
      254412 Registered nurse (aged care)
      254413 Registered nurse (Child and Family Health)
      254414 Registered nurse (community health)
      254415 Registered nurse (critical care and emergency)
      254416 Registered nurse (development disability)
      254417 Registered nurse (disability and rehabilitation)
      254418 Registered nurse (medical)
      254421 Registered nurse (medical practice)
      254422 Registered nurse (mental health)
      254423 Registered nurse (perioperative)
      254424 Registered nurse (surgical)
      254499 Registered nurse
      261111 ICT business analyst
      261112 Systems analyst
      261311 Analyst programmer
      261312 Developer programmer
      261313 Software engineer
      263311 Telecommunications engineer
      263312 Telecommunications network engineer
      272311 Clinical psychologist
      272312 Educational psychologist
      272313 Organisational psychologist
      272314 Psychotherapist
      272399 Psychologists nec
      272511 Social worker
      312211 Civil engineer draftsperson
      312212 Civil engineer technician
      312311 Electrical engineer draftperson
      312312 Electrical engineer technician
      313211 Radiocommunications technician
      313212 Telecommunications field engineer
      313213 Telecommunications network planner
      313214 Telecommunications technical officer or technologist
      321111 Automotive electrician
      321211 Motor mechanic (general)
      321212 Diesel motor mechanic
      321213 Motorcycle mechanic
      321214 Small engine mechanic
      322211 Sheetmetal trades worker
      322311 Metal Fabricator
      322312 Pressure Welder
      322313 Welder (first class)
      323111 Aircraft maintenance engineer (avionics)
      323112 Aircraft maintenance engineer (mechanical)
      323113 Aircraft maintenance engineer (structures)
      323313 Locksmith
      324111 Panelbeater
      324311 Vehicle painter
      331111 Bricklayer
      331112 Stonemason
      331211 Carpenter and Joiner
      331212 Carpenter
      331213 Joiner
      332211 Painting trades workers
      333111 Glazier
      333211 Fibrous plasterer
      333212 Solid plasterer
      333411 Wall and floor tiler
      334111 Plumber (general)
      334112 Airconditioning and mechanical services plumber
      334113 Drainer
      334114 Gasfitter
      334115 Roof plumber
      341111 Electrician (general)
      341112 Electrician (special class)
      341113 Lift mechanic
      342111 Airconditioning and refrigeration mechanic
      342211 Electrical linesworker
      342212 Technical cable jointer
      342313 Electronic equipment trades worker
      342314 Electronic instrument trades worker (general)
      342315 Electronic instrument trades worker (special class)
      411211 Dental Hygienist
      411212 Dental Prosthetist
      411213 Dental technician
      411214 Dental therapist

      1, 在2010年2月8日时已经持有了485签证,或者已经递交了485签证,并且与2012年12月31日之前递交PR申请。
      2, 在2010年2月8日时已经递交了PR签证申请人。


      1, 申请人可以考虑雇主担保类移民
      2, 申请人可以考虑指定地区雇主担保类移民
      3, 申请人可以考虑各州政府担保类移民
      4, 申请人可以考虑继续选读一个新的课程,延续学生签证,来达到新的职业列表要求,但是移民局建议大家尽量不要走这条路,移民政策变化无常,申请人应该尽量选择自己兴趣的,为以后的职业发展选择好路径。


      BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

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      阿德莱德礼品屋 发表于 18-5-2010 18:38:13
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