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    出售diploma,cert4书!SAIBT EIBT的注意啦!!

    mocha0709 发表于 14-4-2010 20:39:34
    649 6



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    有意者加QQ185196986  MSN [email protected]

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    crystal425 发表于 14-4-2010 22:22:09
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     楼主| mocha0709 发表于 14-4-2010 23:30:55
    回复 2# crystal425

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    h111x222y333 发表于 15-4-2010 00:02:41
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     楼主| mocha0709 发表于 21-4-2010 19:40:47
    出售diploma,cert4书!SAIBT EIBT的注意啦!!

    Microeconomics book and exercise book 90% new$50
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    有意者加QQ185196986  MSN [email protected]
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    使用道具 举报

     楼主| mocha0709 发表于 21-4-2010 19:49:03
    出售diploma,cert4书!SAIBT EIBT的注意啦!!

    Microeconomics book and exercise book 90% new$50
    Marketing 80% new $50
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    Fundamentals of business law 90% new $ 50
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    有意者加QQ185196986  MSN [email protected]
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    使用道具 举报

     楼主| mocha0709 发表于 21-4-2010 19:49:33
    出售diploma,cert4书!SAIBT EIBT的注意啦!!

    Microeconomics book and exercise book 90% new$50
    Marketing 80% new $50
    Introductory mathematics and statistics for business 90% new $40
    Management information system BIS $40
    Management 90%new $50
    Accounting 90% new $50
    Cert 4
    The business communication handbook 90% new $35
    Foundations of management 90% new $40
    Introduction accounting 90% new $40
    Fundamentals of business law 90% new $ 50
    Information technology $30

    有意者加QQ185196986  MSN [email protected]
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