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      [其它] 電子整流

      timlau122 发表于 8-4-2014 16:29:00
      3185 0


      welcome the car prats retailer and car club to cooperate with me for selling this product. you can get the different price.

      i come from Hong Kong, the Voltage Stabilizer was sold to many country.The product in Hong Kong is very famous and popular, many car club asked me to purchase a lot of Voltage Stabilizers for their member. Its different with the fakeVoltage Stabilizer which made in China. The fakeVoltage Stabilizer is useless and couldnt bring any effect for the car. At the same time, you need to worry their capacitance because it made in china and didn't have any test when proceed it. We need to know to that Voltage Stabilizer derived from Japan. Our product produced by the Japan's company originally but we want to reduce the expenditure in the process, we choose to produce it in Taiwan.

      if u have any question, you may pm me in fb/ sms me (0450663230).

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      螢幕快照 2014-04-08 下午3.57.18.png

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