澳洲星文化传媒公司及iiticket我爱票务网 近期活动 2013罗志祥 舞极限 世界巡回 墨尔本站(5月20日周一下午5点20分开票) 演出時間: 1st Sep2013 Sunday 演出地點: Melbourne Convention Center 墨尔本会展中心 2013 罗志祥 舞极限世界巡演墨尔本站 购票网站:www.iiticket.com 开票信息:我爱票务网iiticket将于5月20日 17点20分网络和办公室统一开票,目前仅接受10人以上的团购。所有零售请在5月20日到公司或者我们iiticket网站上订票。公司地址:Level 2, 350 Collins Street, Melbourne. 咨询电话: 03 9988 3657 即将在2013年9月1日举行的 罗志祥 舞极限 墨尔本站 将斥巨资打造美豹城堡,更替全球SFC们着想,借助得天独厚的舞台让大家接近零距离的靠近亚洲舞王,与小猪一起豹跳全场。 此次舞台呈现美豹的城堡,具有豹一样爆发力的罗志祥将从美豹头爆发。开始美轮美奂的演出。罗志祥将从头到尾边唱边舞刷新自己的记录。挑战多重极限。极限一:体能极限,演出全程超过五分之四的歌曲都将是由舞曲串联,所以小猪将唱跳歌曲连续不间断表演2小时。极限二:舞蹈种类极限,以18般舞艺串连整场秀,包括非洲舞、breaking、jazz等以往他很少涉猎的舞蹈元素和舞蹈种类此次都将齐齐上阵;此次演唱会将超越巅峰,打造独一无二的观演体验。 除此之外,这次他还亲自担任了演唱会的舞蹈总监及创意总监,斥巨资打造成的“豹行天下舞台”与演出海报上的豹装遥相呼应;服装以五大洲为概念,花80万元重金打造了“非洲丛林豹纹装”“欧洲复古宫廷装”“美洲嘻哈黑金装”等5套服装。 杨宗纬 2013 初.爱 澳洲大型歌友会及签名会 墨尔本站(5月12日星期日12点开票) 演出時間: 2013年7月19日7:30 演出地點: 墨尔本市政厅 Melbourne Town Hall 票價: $149/$99/$69/$49 杨宗纬 2013 初.爱 澳洲大型歌友会及签名会 墨尔本站:5月12日星期日12点 全球网路首发:http://www.iiticket.com 5月12日星期日12点票务网 总部首发: Level 2, 350 Collins Street, Melbourne,VIC, 3000 CNBLUE REVEAL ‘BLUE MOON’ WORLD TOUR 2013 墨尔本站 演出時間: Friday,31 May 2013 7:00 PM 演出地點: FestivalHall, Melbourne 票價: VIP Standing VIP Reserved $159/ Seating (Upstairs) $159/A Standing (Ground Floor) Price $99 Festival Hall Melbourne is an iconic venuethat is famous for Rock Concerts so what a perfect venue for CNBLUE!
They havepreviously hosted many famous acts including the Beatles and AC/DC. Please note that Festival Hall Melbourne isslightly different to the Big Top Sydney. Normally the Festival Hall has about 5,000tickets available. However, for the CNBLUE Blue Moon concert, it is only for anaudience of 2,500 to create an intimate experience. VIP Standing is even closerto the stage and VIP Seating has one of the best balcony views you can have ina concert. Even in A Standing, you will still be very close to CNBLUE and cansee them up close and personal.
So don't miss this opportunity to experienceCNBLUE's fantastic live performances! Hurry and grab your tickets!!! The Big Four 2013 World Tour Live世界巡迴演唱會-Sydney悉尼站 演出時間: 2013年6月26日 19:45 演出地點: The Star Event Center,Sydney 票價: VIP$338/$238/$168/$118/$88 Formed by Cheung Wai-Kin, Hui Chi-On, So Wing-Hong, LeungHon-Man on behalf of the Middle aged HongKong singers in 2009, it is also theHong Kong version of the ‘Super Band’ from Taiwan – the Big Four. In late 2009,they published the first hit ‘Big Four’, following by the second single ‘Unableto help’, and soon broke into the major pop charts. Afterwards they held fiveconcerts at the Hong Kong Coliseum in 11th -15th March2010! Hui Chi-On revealed that the idea of such a concert has begun a decadeago. The four brothers are not only to have a moment of memories andfriendships to be witnessed, but also to offer a wonderful concert as to repaysupports of fans in all their years.