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      FREE Session Give Away, Get Fitter, Stronger, Healthier for 2015

      Zakky 发表于 18-12-2014 19:11:13
      2967 2


      本帖最后由 Zakky 于 2014-12-19 06:37 编辑

      I am a qualified Personal Trainer who graduated from AustralianInstitute of Fitness.

      I have been playing a lot of different sports and training in gym forgeneral fitness purpose for 10 years.
      I started weight training around 2 yearsago. My training philosophy is a combination of functional exercise
      (bodyweight) and weight training, and there is no excuse to not exercise gettingfitter and healthier.

      Chirstmas Promotion:
      I am giving away 10 FREE 30-mins Outdoor Training or Your Backyard Training sessions to the first 10 people who
      leave a comment to tell me what do you want to achieve in terms of fitness for New Year 2015? However, these
      free sessions are not available to all locations (more than 25 mins drive), so you may need to come to CBD parkland to train.
      If you are the lucky first 10 person, I will contact you and will discuss where do I give your free 30-mins free training session.

      New Start Package:
      This package is good for those just start training. It includess 30-mins Pre-exercise Health Screening and 2 45-mins Outdoor
      Training/Your Backyard Training sessions. It is ONLY $120. This offer is only available for new members. It is not available to all locations.

      I provided wide range of service as Personal Trainer and listed follow:
      1.     Pre-exercise Health Screening (30 mins -45 mins)
      Health measurements: heart rate, blood pressure
      Body girth measurements: waist-hip ratio, BMIetc
      Personal Lifestyle Questionnaires and FitnessGoal Setting
      Diet Consultation

      2.     GymTraining (60 mins)
      Offer different type of training in gym, suchas weight training, body weight functional training, and weight loss.

      3.     OutdoorTraining (30 mins/45 mins/60 mins)
      If you do not have a gym membership and you doenjoy the outdoor environment with fresh air. This is a great option for you toexercise outdoor with body weight training, cardio, resistance bands trainingand boxing. I can go to the park that near your location, or we can train atCBD parks such as, South Terrace parkland, Hurtle Square (junction of HalifaxSt and Pulteney St), and Whitemore Square, or your choice of location (thisservice is not available to all location in Adelaide, you need to send yourenquiry).

      4.      YourBackyard Training (30 mins/45 mins/60 mins)
      The training type is the same as the OutdoorTraining, however, I come to your backyard and training. This service is notavailable to all location in Adelaide, you need to send your enquiry.

      5.     SmallGroup Outdoor or Backyard Training
      For this service, you need to contact me withdetails, such as how many people in the group, what fitness goal you peoplewant to achieve etc. Clients may need to purchase their own boxing set.

      6.    RelaxationMassage (30 mins/60 mins)
      I also provide body/muscle relaxation massageat a convenience CBD location. I offer 30 mins upper body oil relaxationmassage and 60 mins full body oil relaxation massage at the clam, relaxenvironment with aroma candle and relaxation music. The relaxation massagehelps to relief muscle tensions from sport, exercises, or daily work, and italso reduces recovery time from sport and exercises. You will feel relax andrefreshed.

      Fees (shows normalprice below)
      1.      Pre-exerciseHealth Screening
      30 mins: $35
      45 mins: $50
      2.      GymTraining
      60 mins: $60
      3.      OutdoorTraining
      30 mins: $35
      45 mins: $45
      60 mins: $60
      4.      YourBackyard Training
      30 mins: $35
      45 mins: $45
      60 mins: $60
      5.      RelaxationMassage
      30 mins: $35
      60 mins: $65

      If you are interested or have any question, do not hesitate to contact me
      via intranet message or text me
      Name: Kam
      No. 0402428781

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