作者: bob_q 时间: 28-1-2017 12:05
一只批着羊皮的狼。一个满嘴谎话的合同经理,一个极其没有经验且不负责任的客户经理,一个神志不清的估价经理。花言巧语把你诓进去,然后你会发现要么工作环境与他们的描述完全不同(告诉你环境如何优美,到点上一看极其恶劣),要么合同时间严重少于实际工作时间(6个小时的活给你3个小时),有时候甚至客户都不知道要有新清洁人员上位(事先不沟通好,看完之后拿不到)。然后告诉你看完了就不能不要,要就是甜言蜜语说有其他更好的合同会给你,之后所有问题一概不予解决。如果据理力争就封杀你且在客户处造谣中伤你。付钱不及时还振振有辞。总之一句话,和AMC的合作会带给你如吃屎一般的享受!三思吧!作者: USNA-WoA 时间: 28-1-2017 12:27
我也说一句作者: jian11 时间: 28-1-2017 16:15
To be frank,
I agree with the above-mentioned comments regardless of the literal descriptions, based on my own franchising experiences.
1. You have to be tougher enough and more experienced to deal with the franchisors. Usually they are tougher and more experienced than you.
2. Before you sign the agreement and make the first payment, you will be greeted like: hello darling love how are you! After you enter into a contract and your cooling-off expired, you will be treated like: So what? That means you will face a Volte-Face Shift from them. They don't Shy away from that!
3. You will be a successful franchisee, if you "listen" to them "unconditionally", otherwise NOT!
4. Franchisors BULLy franchisees in a very "professional" and "legal" way.
5. If you don't care too much about profits and money and "humiliation", go with "some franchisors" for some experiences.
Hope you can understand it!作者: jian11 时间: 28-1-2017 16:27
If you don't blame me for something like "bias", "prejudice" or so,
I would like to say like:
Usually "some" managers in "some" franchising firms have no substances (in chinese: mei wenhua), although they are quite "professional" in their business.
Anyway, Be Ready and Prepare early!作者: jian11 时间: 28-1-2017 16:37
Do not trust their motto: Be Your Own Boss. Please Don't!