LSD, west lakes, southern end (Trimmer Pde), see you there 7am tomorrow morning (if not raining).
Bring your own gears, I can supply baits. Gold Coins donation are always welcome for sharing funs.作者: 小西x_x 时间: 23-12-2009 14:43
lz 去的那个地方鱼多吗作者: 18昂99 时间: 8-1-2010 14:06
two morning trip result:
4 bream
2 rock fish
1 squip
plus many small tommy/trumpeter/bream
plus one big bird (don't know the name of the bird)作者: jinxu_0 时间: 17-1-2010 15:05
我知道那地方了 现在的BREAM 大么?