就是没有保险作者: houhou1988 时间: 10-12-2014 10:27
可以分期付款如果有工作的话,希望狗狗快点好起来。作者: Fangzi123 时间: 10-12-2014 15:04
现在狗狗怎样了?在家里还是vet?楼主要快点拿主意,不然狗狗受更多苦作者: j2000069 时间: 18-12-2014 13:29
I m a tafe student, we have a vet clinic at Gilles Plains you can give it a try.
Fist of all what treatment it recieve from the vet so far ?
Did the vet told you it will fully recover after the surgery?
If you got a stable job i believe money is not a problem!!
I know what you feel becausei study there !作者: 爱吃猫的小鱼儿 时间: 30-12-2014 13:08
去adelaide university 的animal hospital 有点远,但价格公道