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标题: cook [打印本页]

作者: whanaruto    时间: 31-5-2014 00:40
标题: cook
作者: SkQueen    时间: 31-5-2014 16:40
作者: whanaruto    时间: 31-5-2014 18:54
Overseas hairdressers and cooks will once again be eligible for permanent residency through state nomination in South Australia, after the occupations were returned to the State Nominated Skilled Occupation List (SNOL) this week.  The popular occupations headlined 18 new additions to the List, after being removed in 2010 following a major government crackdown on program rorting.   Migration Solutions Managing Director Mark Glazbrook says the changes will be welcomed not only by migrants, but also many hairdressing and restaurant businesses across Adelaide which have been crying out for greater access to international workers due to local skill shortages for some time now.  'We've been hearing from restaurant owners and industry groups - such as RSCA Chief Executive Sally - for a long time now, saying that they've been crying out for these occupations to be returned to the List because of the fluctuating demand that exists within their industries, and the consequent need for flexibility' he said.   'It's great to see that the shortage has finally been recognised. We think the return of these occupations to the List will be of great benefit to the local economy by allowing businesses to grow and expand, and also for the migrants that come here and contribute to the economy as a result of their residency.'  Another recent change to state nomination process is the re-naming of the 'Off List' for international graduates with a Bachelor degree or higher gained in South Australia, which is henceforth to be known as the Graduate List. The State Occupation List is still available to all applicants, including South Australian international graduates.   Applicants can be eligible for a nomination if they have a full skills assessment in their nominated occupation, IELTS 6.0 or above and at least one year of skilled work experience in the past three years.
作者: aojiachuguo    时间: 2-6-2014 10:04
whanaruto 发表于 2014-5-31 18:24
Overseas hairdressers and cooks will once again be eligible for permanent residency through state n ...

QQ: 2780531567

作者: 指南针团队    时间: 2-6-2014 10:06
你好, 厨师是在南澳洲担的。 如果是申请cook, 需要有雅思4个6, 职业全评估结果(TRA),EOI打分满55分,一般对于南澳州担,都有一年工作经验要求,由于TRA职业评估里就对工作经验有要求,所以不用额外准备。 就可申请了。

作者: whanaruto    时间: 2-6-2014 10:13
指南针团队 发表于 2014-6-2 10:06
你好, 厨师是在南澳洲担的。 如果是申请cook, 需要有雅思4个6, 职业全评估结果(TRA),EOI打分满55分, ...

作者: 指南针团队    时间: 2-6-2014 11:03
whanaruto 发表于 2014-6-2 09:43
您好,那就是说需要职业评估,和雅思四个六分,还是有可能申请的,因为之前有人说毕业之后需要有一年的fu ...

是需要有1年fulltime的工作经验, 但是因为TRA的职业评估里也要求了工作经验,所以这个对于cook不算是额外的要求。 这个post qualification的工作经验, 可以是读完C4之后的工作经验。

作者: 澳嘉出国    时间: 9-6-2014 14:39
你需要有TRA cook的职业评估才可以的哦

4-28号开始  所有TRA蓝领技工职业都要网上技术面试了的


NOTE: Pathway 2
Applicants need to demonstrate at least three years full-time paid employment in a relevant and directly related trade, including 12 months full-time paid employment in the nominated trade in the three years prior to lodging the application. Evidence of employment undertaken on a part time basis can also be considered and counted toward the employment requirement on a pro rata basis.



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作者: 澳嘉出国    时间: 10-6-2014 20:34
South Australia南澳有担保,必须是南澳2年厨师TAFE毕业的或有南澳50%课程学历经历

Tasmania 塔斯马尼亚岛有担保

Victoria 维多利亚州有担保(要求:雅思4个6分以上+5年以上工作经验)
http://www.liveinvictoria.vic.go ... ng/occupation-lists

Western Australia 西澳洲有担保(要求:职业评估+雅思4个6分+雇主offer信) ... ationsindemand.aspx

New South Wales 新南威尔士州只有190州担保(要5年以上工作经验) ... on/skills-in-demand

Queensland 昆士兰州无担保!

Northern Territory 北领地无担保!

Australian Capital Territory 首府行政区 - 堪培拉  暂时无厨师担保名额

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