2 x ICAA 2013, Auditing and Assurance Handbook, Latest edition, Jacaranda Wiley, Melbourne ------- $50
2 x Leung, P, Cooper, B & Coram, P 2011, Modern Auditing Assurance Services, 5th edn, Jacaranda Wiley, Melbourne ----- $40
2 x Eunson, B 2012, Communicating in the 21st century, 3rd edn, John Wiley and Sons, Milton Qld ------- $50
Graw, S 2012, An Introduction to the Law of Contract, 7th edn, Law Book Co, Pyrmont, NSW ---- $55
2 x Lipton, P, Herzberg, A & Welsh M 2013, Understanding Company Law, 15th edn, Law Book Co, Pyrmont, NSW (one has coffee stains throughout the book) ---- $35 for the unstained one, $20 for the stained one
2 x Woellner RH, et al 2013, Australian Taxation Law, 23rd edition, CCH, Sydney ----- $60
2 x Barkoczy S, et al 2013, Core Tax Legislation, 16th edn, CCH, Sydney ------ $60