谢谢~作者: Crystal1989 时间: 9-10-2009 00:53
房子位于西区第六站~房间很大~18-20平的样子~是King-size的双人床~超大衣柜~两张写字桌~一个小沙发~交通方便~J1 J2 J3 bus stop 就在家门口~周围还有Woolworths和banksa~走过去也就1分钟~网流量是80G,房东是中国人~住在阿村20多年~中文英文交流均可~价钱是125刀/周,全包...
有意者请联系:949232864 或者 1004885499 QQ请注明租房
或者电话:0404524719——本文来自@阿德莱德华人网@『AdelaideBBS.com』原帖地址:http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/v ... 7&fromuid=17210作者: zcc0929 时间: 9-10-2009 21:52
自己小顶一哈子~作者: xiaoroushou 时间: 9-10-2009 22:23 http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=52805
你好 可以参考一下作者: zcc0929 时间: 10-10-2009 12:20
refresh~~~作者: lisa777 时间: 16-10-2009 17:46 http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/v ... &extra=page%3D1作者: linaxinyan 时间: 19-10-2009 18:52
hi there, city south west bus stop 8, stop 7 is a big shopping centre. a few steps to bus stop. apartment here is clean, quiet and bright, fully furnished. $110 per week, all included. contact me on 0412931428 (optus) or 0430871720 (3 mobile)作者: Tina_Adelaide 时间: 22-10-2009 22:16
我们家在南边,来看看吧, http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=56859&extra=page%3D1&page=1