This is misleading statement. In SA, everybody is using the power from ESTA!!!!! This is common sense!!! Everybody should know that. Also, if you have looked into the news, origin and agl are going to decrease the rate in the coming year. I know you are a salesperson, but please don't use those misleading and fault information to fool people in bbs. Thanks.作者: yisheng_honger 时间: 1-1-2013 14:38
为啥是针对华人,好诡异啊,作者: 求仁得仁 时间: 1-1-2013 17:36
据男朋友说alinta的电费rate单价比较贵,虽然谈的时候是低的,但合同到手就和谈的不一样,后来马上电话cancle了作者: angelwing2011 时间: 2-1-2013 03:46
I read Australian news almost everyday. It was reported that the power bills were going to be cut in SA this year.I was just wondering whether I can get cheaper offer if I change to Origin. 作者: fan2706 时间: 3-1-2013 06:38
换电力公司不也是涨吗?作者: room-for-rent 时间: 3-1-2013 09:01