FOR half the price of the average Australian home, you can own a luxury property in Spain outright, and it comes complete with dual residency.
Yes, it's true.
In an attempt to offload debts crippling Spanish banks, the nation's government will offer residency rights to foreign property buyers who spend more than more than 160,000 euro ($A197,000) on a sale.
While $200,000 wouldn't even buy a studio apartment in most Australian capital cities, it's ample for a luxury home in upmarket parts of Spain, including beachfront suburbs.
Russian and Chinese buyers are understood to be targeted in the initial real estate scheme, and it is unknown if the subsequent residency will be for Spain alone or the entire European Union.
"We have proposed to the other ministries that for residents who acquire a home in Spain for more than 160,000 euro that will automatically entail a residency permit," Spanish Trade Minister Jaime Garcia-Legaz said in an article published by British newspaper The Times this week.
With some five million Spaniards out of work, the number of people unable to maintain repayments and forced to leave their homes continues to rise, with reports claiming 300 evictions per day in the first half of 2012.
In November, Spain's government announced a two-year halt to evictions of vulnerable home owners after the practice was linked to acts of suicide.
Spain's residency offer, which aims to revive the construction industry, is more attractive than similar schemes in Ireland and Portugal where buyers are offered such rights only after buying houses worth more than 400,000 euro or 500,000 euro respectively.
Bad debt in Spanish banks rose to a record 10.7 per cent of the loan total, about 182 billion euros ($A225.8 billion), in September, with institutions desperate to offload the crippling assets.
我觉得也没有这么容易,不光是北广上,就是二线城市里,有20万的家庭太多了。作者: 观阴大师 时间: 21-11-2012 14:16
做IT的表示无压力,真要是20W澳元可以考虑先入澳籍再去混几年,反正去哪都能有碗饭吃作者: magill-hill 时间: 21-11-2012 14:33 作者: wanzy004 时间: 21-11-2012 14:36
唯一一句提示就是“ luxury home in upmarket parts of Spain, including beachfront suburbs.”
欧洲人工就算比澳洲便宜也便宜不了多少,材料等建筑成本加起来,盖个house最少也10来万吧?原来欧洲upmarket的海景地价就几万?作者: 狼阿灰 时间: 21-11-2012 14:43 作者: fall0406 时间: 21-11-2012 15:10
所以他迫不得已才会这样做的作者: 老A 时间: 21-11-2012 15:48
We have proposed to the other ministries that for residents who acquire a home in Spain for more than 160,000 euro that will automatically entail a residency permit," Spanish Trade Minister Jaime Garcia-Legaz said in an article published by British newspaper The Times this week.