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标题: 介绍一个BMW的销售。。。。不错。 [打印本页]

作者: marialee    时间: 1-9-2011 11:42
标题: 介绍一个BMW的销售。。。。不错。
就是West Terrace那家店的。

Sean Widera
special vehicles manager
Tel: 08 8414 3111
Fax:08 8231 0586
Mob:0413 186 717
email: [email protected]

作者: 友朋自远方    时间: 1-9-2011 11:48
作者: ACC_Ivan    时间: 1-9-2011 11:50
喔~原来楼主把那辆白色的6系订了? 哈哈。  那那哥们发了,我们的车都是在他那订的。个子矮矮的。。。家在悉尼。
作者: ACC_Ivan    时间: 1-9-2011 11:51
喔。。楼主莫非是那辆Z4的车主? 姓李?
作者: Ada    时间: 1-9-2011 12:28

作者: 雷囧    时间: 1-9-2011 12:39
作者: 雷囧    时间: 1-9-2011 12:40
作者: jjjeeennnyyy    时间: 1-9-2011 13:01
本帖最后由 jjjeeennnyyy 于 2011-9-1 13:06 编辑


作者: liesel1990    时间: 1-9-2011 13:07
作者: marialee    时间: 1-9-2011 13:13
回复 雷囧 的帖子

作者: 1234py    时间: 13-11-2011 12:06
每天上学都要经过那里,可是只有看的份,没买的份~~ :(
作者: marialee    时间: 13-11-2011 12:12
回复 1234py 的帖子

作者: 1234py    时间: 13-11-2011 12:22
lool, 谢谢楼主!我只想靠自己,而不是父母~希望你像你一样买BMW!lool
作者: oadeg    时间: 6-3-2012 21:51

作者: 太阳花下的    时间: 20-2-2013 00:18

   北京雅高酒店找『小 姐﹠ 保 健 按 摩 论 坛』不收定金 先服务后付费 ①⑤⑥-⑤②④⑦-⑨⑦⑨⑦《《人到付款,先服务,后收费》》按摩功效=技师给你做淋巴引流按摩。由于淋巴无法像血液循环般经由心脏的推动来达到顺畅的目的....  前列腺保养
按摩是指按摩师穿着柔软性感用脚和腿为您做按摩的最后会让您放松同样也有舒心和愉悦的感觉...  制服①⑤⑥-⑤②④⑦-⑨⑦⑨⑦
  特殊按摩手法,做深入的按摩,再用指法操作所产生的 ,从而达到保健养生的效果。  皇家骑士①⑤⑥-⑤②④⑦-⑨⑦⑨⑦
技师穿连裤加用臀部给你按摩背部,是很享受的一种新式按摩方法,很值得体验的 哦!![不同凡想的哦!] ①⑤⑥-⑤②④⑦-⑨⑦⑨⑦
  泰式按摩---thai massage
泰式按摩发源于古印度的西部,创始人是印度王的御医吉瓦科库玛,他至今仍被泰国人民奉为医学之父  我们两个美女同时帮您做全身按摩,前列腺保养这样的话您就全身就可以在不同 时间享受到不同的按摩哦~~.①⑤⑥-⑤②④⑦-⑨⑦⑨⑦..
  "①⑤⑥-⑤②④⑦-⑨⑦⑨⑦" people to pay, first service, after the charges "," continental oil, rose pink push, chinese massage, korean pine, thai massage, prostate care, silk foot massage, physiotherapy wenshen, the royal knights, travel into space, etc. .
  a. continental oil: natural essential oils with a soft and gentle way through the meridian pushed aside in the rub, regulate the body's excretion of harmful substances to prevent the expansion of the role veins.
  b. korean pine: that focusing on the human skeleton with joints points to push, pull, pine and other massage techniques for your service, focused and a "loose", which allows you to relax, yi yang mood.
c. rose powder pushing: to use the powder for you, it is massage, more suitable for summer enjoyment, allowing you to relax and meet new challenges.
d. thai massage: the main kneel back, step back, top back, thrown back mainly larsson human ligaments, so that the spine be operating, the human body to the purpose of body relaxation and stress reduction! for very tired and the crowd by force enjoy.
e. silk foot massage: is wearing a soft massage their feet and legs sexy stockings body massage for you to do the [include sensitive parts of] the last will give you relaxation and pleasure is also a comfortable feeling. this is a new massage way, instead of the traditional hand massage.
  of course, the most important thing is to rely on stockings massage feel like the people know ... ... you can smell your way. ask. kiss wearing stockings feet massage.
f. warming therapy: massage therapist will use natural rose oil massage on your waist, abdomen, buttocks [triangle area] and all other points in order to achieve the health effects on your kidneys, including the men's sensitive parts and a service in place , and the approach is primarily used to stimulate your (genitals, anus) in the vicinity of the points in order to achieve the health-care regimen, and enhance the effectiveness of your sexual function.①⑤⑥-⑤②④⑦-⑨⑦⑨⑦
g. chinese acupressure: traditional chinese medicine in china developed on the basis of manipulation, and massage therapy focuses on the confucian emphasis on health-care acupressure. according to the principle of moderation with firmness and flexibility in the way chinese medicine therapy, acupuncture points on the human body related to press, kneading, grinding, rubbing, etc. to stimulate acupuncture points to promote the body's metabolism, regulate bodily functions!
h. prostate care: after a special massage technique to the oil penetrate your anal skin, and do in-depth point massage, and then the body produced with the fingering operation information through reflective way to stimulate the body's adjustment to impose neurohumoral effects so as to achieve the effect of health care.①⑤⑥-⑤②④⑦-⑨⑦⑨⑦

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