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标题: Uni SA卖书啦! Management acc, finance & investment, market analysis, FA2 [打印本页]

作者: yalala    时间: 16-7-2011 18:14
标题: Uni SA卖书啦! Management acc, finance & investment, market analysis, FA2
Management accouting:
Horngren,C, Foster, G, Datar, S. Rajan, M, Ittner, C 2009, Cost Accounting a Managerial Emphasis, 13 Ed, Pearson Education Australia.
75刀, 送Mid term test paper and notes from tutorial~~

Marketing analysis:
30刀, 送all tutorial tests paper

Finance and Investment:
Petty, J.W., Keown, A.J et al 2009, Financial Management: Principles and Applications, 5th Edition, Pearson Education Australia.

Financial acounting 2 books:
CPA Australia Accounting Handbook, latest edition, Pearson
Leo K, Hogget J, Sweeting J and Radford J 2009, Company Accounting, 8th Edition, John Wiley.
两本一起买, 100刀。  

QQ :   644731700  注明买书:)   MOBILE: 0422384182  

作者: dolotusy    时间: 19-7-2011 22:54
请问你的 Market Analysis 是最新版的书么?
作者: yalala    时间: 20-7-2011 23:35
回复 dolotusy 的帖子

是的   要是要的话请打电话联系  :)
作者: Notton    时间: 21-7-2011 00:03
Accounting Handbook  是2011的吗

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