所以说欧美个国家从小学开始 大力提倡性教育是正确的啊 学校里都有避孕套出售机 你看老外那么的淫荡 但是没有套套 还是不让进!人家不乱来就是不乱来!作者: syqwin 时间: 3-6-2011 21:46
Chinese student abortion rates high in Australia
A recent report about the attitudes of international students relating to premarital sex, has been a surprise for Australians. A research group, headed by principal researcher Dr Adrienne Burchard, from the University of Adelaide has found that one in three abortions at the Women's and Children's Hospital is performed on international students, predominantly Chinese.
AdelaideNow, quoted Australian Liberal Party families and communities spokesman, Stephen Wade, says he has been told the figure could be as high as three out of four abortions being provided to international students. "Whether it's a third or three-quarters it's still a large number of students," he said. "I think it's really important that students, while they're in Australia, get the best of Australian healthcare."
The research was triggered by reports from South Australian public hospitals that they are carrying out a disproportionately high number of terminations on international students. The research group aims to provide stakeholders with a better understanding of the background sexual health knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of international students in order to inform responses to these claims.
According to the research group, some of the reasons for the high number, include lack of sexual education in home countries, increasing freedom in Australia, misconceptions and lack of knowledge about contraceptive options, and eagerness for culturally sensitive sexual education in Australia.
Australia Foreign Minister Stephen Smith recently scrapped a 13-year-old ban on foreign aid being used to fund safer abortions for women in poor nations.
According to Australian statistics, in 2008, there were 435,263 international students in Australia, with the largest group - 22.2%, from China.
Here are some comments from AdelaideNow readers:
It is not a religious issue, it is a common sense right and wrong issue. We have the ridiculous situation now where in one part of the hospital, premature babies are being born and kept alive, while in another part of the hospital doctors are killing older babies. Posted by: DB of Adelaide
If there is nothing wrong with abortion, then why is a high abortion rate a problem? Posted by: Trish of Lithgow
Look more to the morality of the media and society that actively promote promiscuity. Posted by: Danny of Sydney
Atheism is very much a religion. You have views and beliefs, be it the belief of nothing. You also have views that if others disagree with you are willing to argue and prove your point of view is correct, and if they do not believe what you do after that, then they are moronic. Sounds very much like a religion to me. Posted by: Patrick Bateman
A Chinese blogger Nibengren posted comments on Cat88 website: Australians misunderstand the case, they certainly understand issues of contraception, they just never think that abortion is killing, this (Chinese ) nation has lost it’s soul.