标题: 有去过新西兰旅游的么,进来推荐一下 [打印本页] 作者: yukizhu1021 时间: 23-5-2011 13:59 标题: 有去过新西兰旅游的么,进来推荐一下 打算6月中旬去下新西兰。去过的能指点一下去哪么,先去auckland chirstchurch还是wellington好。还有每个地方有什么特色必须玩或看的地方推荐一下作者: yukizhu1021 时间: 23-5-2011 14:09
不给力啊,大神们呢。/。。。作者: nathanxu 时间: 23-5-2011 14:11
I wouldn't even go to Auckland, its just a city. You should fly into Christchurch, and drive to Queenstown, there are a lot of great stuffs on the way, ie Mt Cook(highest peak in Oceania)
You can do almost everything in Queenstown. Enjoy it.作者: mem 时间: 23-5-2011 14:11
去南島好了,北島沒什么風景作者: nathanxu 时间: 23-5-2011 14:14
Auckland and Wellington are on the North Island, Christchurch and Queenstown are on the South Island. I agree with him, South Island is much better. 作者: yukizhu1021 时间: 23-5-2011 14:26
继续求各方大神指点作者: fall0406 时间: 23-5-2011 14:26
{:6_266:}没去过作者: nathanxu 时间: 23-5-2011 14:27
I wouldn't spend any time in the city, New Zealand is not famous for its cities, its famous for its nature and national parks. If you only have 7 days -10 days, I would not go to Wellington. 作者: 七七缘 时间: 23-5-2011 14:40 回复 yukizhu1021 的帖子
I don't think you need one for PR.作者: abel19891219 时间: 23-5-2011 14:48
很向往斐济。。。。新西兰是不是比阿德还村?。。。作者: 星林流水 时间: 23-5-2011 14:58
不过话说回来了,冬天去新西兰不是什么好主意,尤其是去南岛,又冷而且花也不开,水也下不了,尤其是看冰川的时候,穿短袖看和穿毛衣看完全就是两个感觉!很多东西都会大打折扣的!况且你连南岛北岛都不知道,说明你准备很不充分,不如你等一等,好好研究一下,到了春夏交接,或者圣诞节之前再去,我个人觉得那个时候去是最好的!作者: 我爱猪猪 时间: 23-5-2011 15:05
购物和美食去奥克兰 然后再陶坡泡温泉
基督城和丹尼丁 皇后镇 三个有名的地方都值得一去
建议你找个当地的团 因为路上很多不错的景色 多带内存卡吧 否则你会后悔滴
惠灵顿虽然不大 但是去逛逛还是不错的 毕竟一国首都 作者: ldx4180 时间: 23-5-2011 15:09
我也来看看~~~~~作者: yukizhu1021 时间: 23-5-2011 15:18
此帖子已经火了,。,,,作者: nathanxu 时间: 23-5-2011 15:47
Sorry I have to use English, my work computer hasn't got Chinese input.
I don't really agree with this 新西兰是不是比阿德还村, I think just about rest of the world is 村 when you compare to China. I guess that is the difference in culture, I've been to most cities in Western Europe, and none of the city is quite same as Beijing or Shanghai. This even include London and Paris, I guess people just have different way of seeing life.
This is particular the case for New Zealand, while I was in New Zealand, I saw many European visitors. They were there to enjoy a different side of culture and nature, you will not get any of that if you are expecting something you will expect in China's major cities.
I was there during summer, but I would love to go to New Zealand again in winter, I guess its a different view with snows. I am sure you will enjoy the nature part of New Zealand.作者: mitwo 时间: 23-5-2011 16:07
bring enough clothes. When I went there last July,it was freezing cold.作者: nzfeifei 时间: 23-5-2011 16:11
我觉得比阿德还村,但是气候比阿德好。冬天去NZ好像冷了点。也觉得南岛比北岛好玩。北岛最北有个90里海滩,其他就是温泉。作者: slshop 时间: 23-5-2011 17:22
我也想去想去~~{:4_118:}作者: mitwo 时间: 24-5-2011 11:25
I did not spend so much time in northern island. But it doesnot mean it doesnot has spectaular scenary.
For northern island, recommend Rotora for the hot spring, wellington for Te Papa Museum.I haven't been to the northern bays of islands, you can search more info for that area.
For southern island, recommend Fox Gracier,take the half day gracier walk. Queenstown,Christchurch, Wanaka,Milford cruise. those view are absolutely amazing.作者: dickxm 时间: 24-5-2011 12:21
没去过的飘过作者: 寻找小处男 时间: 24-5-2011 13:09