这大过年的。。。。碰到个阿三CO,狂郁闷作者: liangqiaoqiao 时间: 10-12-2010 08:48
那就体检吧,没有办法啦,作者: kimi888 时间: 10-12-2010 15:56
申请887后,可以拿着网上的那个确认信去MEDICARE申请医疗卡,这样你就可以拿着医疗卡去做移民体检,而省去300多块了?作者: 米兰的春天 时间: 10-12-2010 21:35
医疗卡可以全额付款移民体检费用?作者: shirley_1999_80 时间: 14-12-2010 09:25
医疗卡不COVER体检费用吧。有没有要求体检看情况的,不一定是有离境才被要求的。作者: wanxy034 时间: 17-12-2010 09:35
you should go through all the policy on the immigration website.
the standard policy in relation to health check up does not depends on whether or not you have left Australia for a period of time within the last two years.
If you go through the policy carefully, you will find anyone is liable for health check up if your last health check up is more than 12 months ago. Also it depends on what you have to do after you get your next stage (ie PR) visa. If you still need to go to school, work for medical centre and publice sectoer then you are more than likely liable for the health check up..
sorry, at work and cannot type chinese作者: marialee 时间: 17-12-2010 09:42
移民官让干啥就干啥吧......作者: kimi888 时间: 24-12-2010 12:18
楼主,你PR下了么? 用了多久时间啊?作者: HOSANNA 时间: 29-12-2010 17:23