求南澳大学教育学专业课本,有那位同学有新书或者二手书转让的话请联系 0426 989 771 。最好这两天就可以拿到,多谢[呲牙]。
1. McDonald, L 2013, A literature companion for teachers, 2nd ed, PETAA, Newtown
2.Derewianka, B & Jones, P 2016, Teaching Language in Context, 2nd ed, Oxford University Press, South Melbourne
3.Callow, Jon 2013, The Shape of Text to Come, PETAA, Newtown
4.Seely Flint, a, Kitson, L, Lowe, K, Shaw, K, Feez, S, Humphrey, S and Vicars M, 2017, Literacy in Australia: Pedagogies for Engagement (2nd Edition), Wiley, Milton.
5. Fleer, M. (2016). Technologies for Children. Cambridge University Press. Vic.
6. Green, DM & Price, DA 2019, Making Humanities and Social Sciences Come Alive: Early Years and Primary Education, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne.
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