那天法语课早到,和旁边的以色列小哥聊起来。他问我为什么有个法文名字,有个英文名字,又有个中文名字。我说,我每学一种语言就起一个这个语言的名字。他又问,那你的中文名叫什么。我告诉他,我姓“海”,意思是the sea,名“歌”,意思是the song。他略带惊讶:“Song of the sea! Is that what it means?”得到了我的肯定,小哥很兴奋,说这么好听的名字,你为什么不用,让人家叫你“Heidi”?
还有我名字背后的意思 作者: jian11 时间: 13-2-2017 09:27
This embarrasment should be contributed to "someone" who invented "chinese characteristic" "pinyin", which can only be pronounced by ourselves.
1.We ourselves to blame for this embrarrasment,
2.OR, you "teach" everyone in the world to "pronounce" our "Pinyin"!
Twnese spelling is more acceptible, by the way, without such kind of pronouncing embarrassment.
"Pinyin" excludes our chinese citizens from the international communities!, while chinese culture dosen't!