标题: Devon Park 2房间出租。10分钟到CITY [打印本页] 作者: hailongge 时间: 2-5-2010 18:36 标题: Devon Park 2房间出租。10分钟到CITY Address
33 Bolton Ave Devon Park
Modern kitchen with gas cooktop. Fridge, washing machine fully furnished. Single space, remote control lock up garage available. Very close to CBD just near North Adelaide. Public transport, buses and trains very close
The 2 rooms are as described below
Room 1.
Master Bedroom with personal ensuite and built in robes. Double Bed provided and very large room. $170.00 per week + bond and bills. Prefer long term rental i.e. 6 months or more.
Room 2.
Third bedroom available. $120.00 per week + bond and bills. Short term lease optional but prefer long term.