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      [其它] 澳洲是不是不承认国内驾照

      sd182781 发表于 7-11-2011 21:48:29
      2534 13


      本帖最后由 sd182781 于 2011-11-7 21:30 编辑

      昨天被便衣警车拦  ,我出示了国内驾照,翻译件和护照,然后警察问我来多久了,然后就说超过3个月要换本地驾照,


      Recognised overseas licences
      South Australia recognises the driver licensing and testing standards in the countries listed below. If you hold, or have held a driver's licence within the last five years you are not required to undertake equivalent driving tests in South Australia.
      Austria Belgium Canada
      Croatia               Denmark Finland
      France Germany Greece
      Guernsey Ireland Isle of Man
      Italy Japan Jersey
      Luxembourg Malta Netherlands
      New Zealand Norway Portugal
      Singapore Spain Sweden
      Switzerland United Kingdom United States

      认可列表里面没有C_h_i_n_a,那是不是就算是Non-recognized country了?
      Non-recognised overseas licences
      Under 19
      If you hold a full (unrestricted) foreign licence and you are under the age of 16 years you are not eligible to hold a South Australian learner's permit or driver's licence.
      If you hold a full (unrestricted) foreign licence and you are under the age of 16½ years, you may be issued a learner's permit after passing the necessary tests.
      If you hold a full (unrestricted) foreign licence and you are under the age of 19 years, you may be issued a provisional licence after passing the necessary tests.
      You must comply with all of the conditions of the licence or permit and the requirements of the graduated licensing scheme.  

      Over 19
      If you hold a full foreign licence and you are aged 19 years or over you must pass the Australian road rules theory test.

      You will be issued a temporary driving permit, which is valid for one month, during which time you are required to pass a practical driving test.

      If you do not pass the practical driving test within that month, or if you fail a validation assessment you must then apply for a learner's permit.

      Sometimes after passing a practical driving test with a private authorised examiner a further practical driving test with a government assessment officer (known as a validation assessment) is required before a South Australian licence is issued. There is no charge for this test.

      When you have passed these driving tests you will receive a certificate of competency.

      Present your certificate of competency at a Service SA customer service centre to obtain your South Australian driver's licence.

      After you have paid the fee and had your photograph taken, a temporary driver's licence will be issued and your photo licence will be posted to you.



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      leon上阿村 发表于 7-11-2011 21:57:25
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      leon上阿村 发表于 7-11-2011 22:10:15
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       楼主| sd182781 发表于 7-11-2011 22:26:34
      回复 leon上阿村 的帖子

      如果不是PR的都属于Short term visitor就解释得通了
      Short term visitor

      If your visit is temporary, you may drive the equivalent vehicle in Australia as authorised by your current licence issued to you in your home country, as long as:

      your licence is written in English or accompanied by an English translation
      you have an international driving permit
      you haven't been disqualified from driving in any country.
      You must carry your licence and translation or international driving permit at all times while driving and must produce these and your temporary visa to police on request.

      If your overseas licence expires while you are in Australia, you must obtain an Australian licence.

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      k4mnling 发表于 7-11-2011 22:28:19
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      qpale9872 发表于 8-11-2011 06:47:06
      笨 下次你就说还有半年课程就要结束 就要回国了 现在我每次都这么说的
      以前说还有一年多的时候 警察也让我去考本地驾照  
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      saru 发表于 8-11-2011 08:57:54
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      liuyajun 发表于 8-11-2011 09:20:55
      我本人拿驾照去警察局问过,他看了看说,我的驾照是international driver licence,可以在澳洲使用。
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      whisper007 发表于 8-11-2011 09:25:02
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      五档起步 发表于 8-11-2011 14:39:56
      学生签证算作temporary visa。有些警察业务不精,让他自己联系总部。
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