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      找个人移民 发表于 6-7-2009 23:19:34
      3215 19


      本帖最后由 找个人移民 于 2009-7-6 23:20 编辑

      请问有谁已经是PR了,可以给我办结婚移民的,可以给你相应的费用。请问kally,这个需要什么条件?联系QQ:635950093.MSN:[email protected]

      BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

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      LOVEFOREVER 发表于 6-7-2009 23:23:58
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      Kally 发表于 7-7-2009 03:36:02
      1# 找个人移民

      hahahahaha..... 我一回來  就碰到這個棘手問題.......

      歡迎到我家 坐坐咱們聊聊 !!

      Amaxgrace Pty Ltd.
      Level 6, No: 108
      King William Street
      Adelaide SA 5000

      Mobile:0431 262 467
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      聂小倩 发表于 8-7-2009 00:10:15
      现在移民局也变聪明了 首先我建议你如果想找的话最好找个CITIZEN 如果对方是PR的话 你要先申请临时居住地签证也就是TR 等你们结婚2年后你才能再申请PR!如果你找CITIZEN的话 你可以直接申请PR 你的签证下来直接是PR 只是你在这2年中不享受政府的福利 2年后你享受一切PR的福利。

      办理结婚移民 你要有手机通讯记录 结婚证 住房合同 同名账户 亲密照片 恋爱过程的简介 2个已经是PR或者CITIZEN的见证信 他要把养老金也UNDER在你的名下 纳税的时候你们双方都要纳COUPLE的税。这就是要在社交的前提下充分的证明你们的关系
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      xjth 发表于 8-7-2009 13:14:30
      现在移民局也变聪明了 首先我建议你如果想找的话最好找个CITIZEN 如果对方是PR的话 你要先申请临时居住地签证也就是TR 等你们结婚2年后你才能再申请PR!如果你找CITIZEN的话 你可以直接申请PR 你的签证下来直接是PR  ...
      聂小倩 发表于 2009-7-8 00:10 http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
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      marialee 发表于 9-7-2009 11:59:30
      Applying for temporary and permanent visas

      You apply for both a temporary visa and a permanent visa by completing and lodging one application.

      If you meet all the criteria for the grant of the visa, you may be granted a temporary Partner visa (subclass 309). This visa remains valid until a decision is made on your permanent visa, which is usually two (2) years after you initially applied for your visa.
      If you still meet all requirements when your application is considered after the waiting period, you may be granted a permanent Partner visa (subclass 100).
      However, you may be granted a permanent visa without having to wait if you can demonstrate one of the following:

      at the time you apply for the visa, you have been in a married or de facto relationship with your partner for five (5) years or more
      at the time you apply, you have been in a married or de facto relationship with your partner for two (2) years or more, and there are dependent children of your relationship
      your partner was granted a Protection visa or a permanent visa under the humanitarian program and you were in the relationship before the visa was granted and this had been declared to the department at the time.

      Note: Generally, you should be living with your partner in a married or de facto relationship at the time you apply.
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      marialee 发表于 9-7-2009 12:01:53
      现在移民局也变聪明了 首先我建议你如果想找的话最好找个CITIZEN 如果对方是PR的话 你要先申请临时居住地签证也就是TR 等你们结婚2年后你才能再申请PR!如果你找CITIZEN的话 你可以直接申请PR 你的签证下来直接是PR  ...
      聂小倩 发表于 2009-7-8 00:10 http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif

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      wuye2008 发表于 9-7-2009 12:06:38
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      ROBBIE 发表于 9-7-2009 14:31:30
      wo kao...........................................................
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      vincent 发表于 9-7-2009 14:47:51
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