Full-time or Part time Employees Casual Employees
AGE Weekly Rate (38Hrs) Hourly Rate Hourly Rate
Adult(21 years and over) $600.00 $15.79 $18.95
20 years (90%) $540.00 $14.21 $17.05
19 years (80%) $480.00 $12.63 $15.16
18 years (70%) $420.00 $11.05 $13.26
17 years (60%) $360.00 $9.47 $11.36
Under 17 years (50%) $300.00 $7.89 $9.47
An apprentice is entitled to the minimum wage based on the following percentage of the adult weekly minimum wage
Junior Apprentices (less than 21 years of age) Adults
First Year (42%) Second Year (55%) Third Year (75%) $252.00 $330.00 $450.00 $528.00 $600.00