Cheers...{:4_158:}作者: crystalyu 时间: 5-12-2011 00:24
sometimes you got sth, but you lost others. that's the true life.
No one knows how bittersweet this would taste until you taste it.作者: ossindya 时间: 5-12-2011 09:27
nice love will provide your unlimited energy to study and excellent study to offer you a nice liove作者: sunrain2010 时间: 5-12-2011 20:42
什么样的年纪就做什么样的事, 只要确定自己在将来不会后悔就行! 作者: olivehuang 时间: 5-12-2011 21:47 回复 sunrain2010 的帖子
{:7_321:} What I suppose to do at the age of 24 now?作者: under-8 时间: 15-12-2011 19:56
有得有失....这才是人生作者: 澳洲小骑士 时间: 20-12-2011 02:18
羡慕中 至少得到了应该得到的 正在往下一个目标努力中 LZ加油