rego 價錢是根據多少cylinders, min 4 ($15x), then 6($17x-$18x), 8(~$200). 不知8cyls 以上多少 (未開過)
interstate car就要 identity inspection. 不一定要入pit 驗. personal import car就多數要入pit上架驗.
還有一件事, is the car defected by cops?
if yes you need to get rid of the defects first, otherwise cant be on road.
上transport sa 網頁看看詳細條文吧
其實要買車就最好找熟車的朋友幫忙驗車作者: r33 时间: 5-4-2009 22:40
基本兩件事: rego and stamp duty有rego就直接轉名+stamp duty fee. rego paper一定要係新的.無rego 就更簡單, 直登記車牌就行 + stamp duty fee.stamp duty fee depends on the price.$1000 以下一律$2x.00$2000 應該不貴rego 價錢是根據多少cylinders, min 4 ($15x), then 6($17x-$18x), 8(~$200). 不知8cyls 以上多少 (未開過)interstate car就要 identity inspection. 不一定要入pit 驗. personal import car就多數要入pit上架驗.還有一件事, is the car defected by cops?if yes you need to get rid of the defects first, otherwise cant be on road.上transport sa 網頁看看詳細條文吧其實要買車就最好找熟車的朋友幫忙驗車作者: 17760704A 时间: 21-4-2009 23:27